
Wednesday, May 8, 2013

The triplets first flight.

Today was a big day...and so very long. We got the trio off to school, figuring we would be able to get more last min packing done with 3 less helpers.
Jason dropped the mutts off at Grandma's...they were super excited LOL.

The kiddos came home from school with great Mother's Day cards for me...well Hayden's was for her Dad apparently. This is the good stuff!

Then we got everyone loaded up and headed to the airport. The kiddos were all a buzz, even Haddie was looking forward to going!

We had a heck of a time getting all our crap through the airport. We had 4 carseats, 2 large suitcases, 5 large back packs and a shoulder bag....that is a load.

The littles were so good walking through the airport...they were even good walking out of it when we learned our flight...that we arrived almost 2 hours early for was 2 hours delayed. UGH.

We decided to jump on the max train...another first for the kids today, and go grab some dinner.

The train was a hit.

Xander got to check out the front and "beep" the horn :)

He was a big fan!

More waiting in the airport. Most of the people waiting with us were very understanding when Jericho was nearing the end of his patience.

I will admit we let the kids do more than a little running about. It was after 7pm, so the airport wasn't too packed. We weren't the only parents making rounds on the moving walkways LOL. You should have seen Jericho, he would run flat out over one...moving in the opposit direction, without missing a step....Jason was having a flashforward of his son playing some sport or other :)

We got boarded and took off...I was sitting between Xan and Lily, while Jason was between Jericho and Hayden. Jason got the short stick on this trip LOL. Lily and Xander were dreams. Haddie did great too. Jericho, well seems the old pro (since this was his 2nd trip by plane after Florida) was not in the mood to cooperate much.

Lily and Haddie loved being right next to each other. There was a horrible woman on the plane who was traveling with 2 kids and 1 other adult, all she did was yell and scream at her poor kids...who were like 18 mo and 6. I was not close enough to say anything...even though I very much wanted to. I could see some of the other passengers wanted to also. You can imagine how thankful I was when one lady did speak up. The grumpy mom took it well, and calmed down the rest of the flight thankfully.
Hayden and Xander both pee'd on the plane, and they were so excited to do it LOL.

We had snacks and "homework" for the bigs to do.

Jericho made friends with a 2 year old little girl sitting in front of him. They started holding hands through the seats...such a ladies man.

Xander, Lily and Jericho all passed out near the end of the flight. Our flight was delayed again when we landed, it took them 40 minutes to get us all off the plane. It took a lot longer than we planned for, but we made it safe and sound...that is the most important thing!
Lots of blinging stuff to grab the kids attention as soon as we got off the plane.
A quick bus ride to get our rental van...which thankfully they had one left since our flight was 3 hours late and we didn't call. I had no idea they would just give away your car...we seriously used up some of our luck there.

4 kids passed out...what a day.

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