
Thursday, May 9, 2013

Valley Of Fire.

Warning...LOTS of pics. I took almost 500 this 60 or so was really narrowed down LOL.
We got started on our PG tour of Las Vegas right away. While my sister Allie was busy with wedding stuff the rest of us decided to spend the day walking through the "Valley Of Fire." It was a perfect day for it, not super crazy hot and a little overcast going on too. My brothers Scott and Rick, sister in law Amber and lil Miss Hailee joined us...we all had a great time, even those among us who came home wounded, loved the day.
Jason and I had never been out here before, even though we have been to Vegas 4 or 5 times now, so it was new for us and oh so beautiful!
Of course...he would climb up there, it is no wonder his boys are mountain goats.

The "famous" arch.

The kids were not too sure on just how much fun this was going to be at first.

Their Uncles, Aunt and Cousin helped :)

The girls posing like Princesses LOL.

The hats came in handy today...or we probably would have had a lot of burned little heads.

Off we go.
A different arch rock.

Some pretty scenery.

The kids saw this big lizard right away. May be hard to see in the pic...he is laying on the big rock right in front of the girls.

Lots of hieroglyphics show up on the cool to see up close.

The kids and grown ups had fun exploring some small caves...well until Uncle Scott concked his head on an over hanging rock and the gash wouldn't stop bleeding. He probably needed stitches but we carried on.

Jericho and his Dad just chilling. You know since the boobie service stopped I am not his super favorite anymore :(

The extra hands were sure a big help today. The kiddos love their Uncles!

Haddie wouldn't go up in the higher up caves, so she found this one to sit in for a rest.

Chasing baby lizards was a hit with all the kids LOL.

King of the mountain!

Family pic...say ice cream, Mmm ice cream.

More exploring.

Run baby lizard, run!

They were all in hot pursuit, but those little suckers are quick.

Jericho cornered this one, but I didn't allow the alien invasion to go any farther Hehehe.

Little legs were getting tired.

It was amazing to see some life out in the hot dry desert. Along with the lizards we saw some jack rabbits, flowers, birds and even a few butterflies...then some bats came out as we were driving home.

This pic came out kinda cool.

They are hard to see, but in this pic is a cute little bird with a yellow head. Need to look it up to see what kind of bird he is.

This butterfly was lovely.

Playing peek a boo around a shrub LOL.

Everyone took turns climbing up on the rocks for a photo.

Handsome brothers :)

Hanging with my bro's.

Jason and I with Scott and Amber.

This one was actually Ambers idea...turned out cute :)

What a cute bunch they are!

Group hug for Uncle Rick!

I love it when kids do cute stuff all on their own. I did not tell them to hold awesome :)

Yeah...that is Jason way the heck up there. NUT.
After a picnic lunch we started hiking in a different area.
Disco Diva!

I love how there were so many different colors and even types of rocks and stuff.

Yes, Jason again. This time we all made him get down and watch the munchkins while the rest of us went up there to check it out.

It was an amazing view...but have I mentioned that I HATE heights? LOL.

We didn't quite make it to sunset...everyone was tired and worn out, but I bet some sunset pics here would be amazing.
So much fun today...but I think my muscles are going to be sore tomorrow.

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