
Saturday, June 1, 2013

June photo a day.

Ah hello June...lots to do, lots to do! We got started moving today! Hopefully we get enough done today and tomorrow to begin living there tomorrow night, we shall see. The triplets were quite the little helpers...Jericho was very upset that we didn't have much for him to do....he hates being shown up LOL.

I am doing a little photo challenge...I mean why not, I pretty much take photos every day as it is LOL.
Today's photo...'B' is for Bubbles.
Jason got the kiddos bubbles guns last night, in hopes that they would keep them busy and out of the way while we unload.
Some flowers are in bloom...lovely!
The idea was a good one...and unloading in a bubble storm was even kinda fun :)

Mmm picnic lunch and some watermelon!

Dog kennel area almost done...keep those landmines out of the kids play space thank you very much!

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