
Sunday, June 2, 2013


Here we go! We got the moving process started today....this is going to be a long drawn out move, I am having no fun already LOL.
The kiddos however are having lots of fun!

Today my pic of the day..."a moment" yeah turn your back for a moment and the kids will get in some sort of trouble...ugh. At least it is on the bottom under side of the bed.

Checking out their sisters room. I think someone is going to get thwacked by that fan sooner or later. We took the kids "toy boxes" that were in the living room and layed one down in each kids bedroom. I hope this goes a long way in keeping the toys out of my living room now :)

The boys room. They will be getting bunk beds soon...just wanted to give it a little longer. They are both so crazy, I am a little scared. Back at the old house they all shared one room. I heard screaming one day went in there to find Jericho falling over the side of the top bunk with Lily holding his legs...nice catch. Then just a few days ago Jason went in to check on them before we headed off to bed and found Jericho passed out on the top bunk with Lily, which would have been OK if he wasn't at the bottom laying sideways with his head right at the ladder opening....and he is a kid that moves around a lot in his sleep, he could have totally taken a header right off the top. Thank goodness we always check on them before we go to bed, that could have been REALLY bad.

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