
Sunday, July 14, 2013

Bubbles, Bee's and pruning.

I was worn out all day from yesterdays pool party fun. So we just chilled, blew some bubbles, checked out some baby bee's and "helped" the neighbor do some pruning in her front yard. Like our own yard isn't a giant mess, I am not even going to think about tackling that until next spring LOL.

The cute little ornaments Grandma gave to the trio for their Bday...they glow in the dark I guess. I don't know for sure because I keep forgetting to look outside after dark LOL.

Flowers are looking beautiful!

The neighbor was outside doing a little work, the munchkins were a big help :)

We found some tiny baby bee's, these flowers are very very small, and the baby bee's were even smaller. So cute :)

Ah a nice relaxing day.

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