
Saturday, July 13, 2013

Pool party for my FIVE year olds!

I totally skimped out on the trio's party this year. No theme, no decorations, no fancy food, no fancy cake...thank goodness we had Grandma's pool or the party would have been seriously lame Hehehe. I couldn't do it all this year, too worn out from moving, just felt like I had too much on my plate. Good thing no one but me seemed to notice, or care LOL. Oh well, there is always next year.

We made a little "Strawberry shortcake" cake this morning, the girls saw it on my Pinterest board and asked to have it. We also had crockpot mini meat balls again...they were a hit last year, and crock pot hot dogs. Grandma made a pasta salad and a coleslaw salad too.

The munchkins wore their shirts from Auntie Allie and them

Whoa he stood still for like a whole 2 minutes, quick get a picture LOL.

It was a beautiful day for a pool party!

My friend Dina and her "Irish trio" ;)

Lunch is time!

We have such wonderful, and generous, family and friends. Thank you so much Grandma, Uncle Scott and Hailee, Lyons fam, Great Grandpa and Betty, Lisa and Kenzie, Dina and her crew, Frazier family and Susie!

So much fun!

They loved everything...even if some things were tossed aside at the time. I swear when they got home and got to going through things everything was loved and appreciated.

Hugs for Cousin Hailee.

Cute :)

One last surprise gift...cover your eyes Lily.

She was a goner, love at first sight...nice job Auntie Tia!

The boys got these awesome Transformer talking helmet mask things. Another score for Auntie Tia. It is like the ONLY boy show Xan and Jericho get to watch, the girls rule the TV around here LOL.

Group hug...Happy 5th Bday babies, you are so loved!

Their 5 year check up at the Pediatrician is in 4 days...can't wait to see how much they have grown.

Group pics with some of their friends :)

Cute Miss Natalia.

The cake was yummy!
You need:
2 boxes of white cake mix...or make your own.
2 room temp 8oz packages of cream cheese (we used low fat)
1 cup unsalted room temp butter
4 cups powdered sugar
1/2 cup seedless strawberry jam
3/4 cup chilled heavy whipping cream
2 1/4 lbs of strawberries hulled and sliced

1) Put a small/medium bowl in the freezer to chill.  In a separate large mixing bowl, beat cream cheese and butter until smooth. Beat in sugar, then jam. Remove that chilled bowl from the freezer and beat cream in that chilled bowl until peaks form. Fold whipped cream into frosting. Cover; chill for a couple of hours until it’s firm enough to spread. (If you are in a hurry, you could put the frosting in the freezer to chill quickly.)
The cake
2) Bake cakes in 2 round pans until a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean. Remove from oven and cool for 10 minutes. Run a sharp knife around the edges of the pans, then turn cakes out onto a rack to cool completely. I threw the two cake layers in the freezer for about an hour to make the cake assembly easier.
3) Using a serrated knife, divide each cake in half horizontally. Place one half on a cake plate.
4) Spread 3 TBSP of strawberry jam over the cake, then spread 3/4 c of the frosting over the jam. Arrange 3/4 c of the sliced strawberries on top of the frosting in a single layer. Repeat two more times with cake layer, jam, frosting, and strawberries.
5) Top with remaining cake layer, cut side down. Spread two cups of frosting over the top and sides of the cake in a thin layer, then frost with remaining frosting. Top with remaining strawberries.

More playing...burning off that cake. 

Pictures with Cousin Tyler...Xander's twin :)

Auntie Tia with the girls.

Lily bugged and bugged us about going she could try on her gown LOL. First thing she did when we walked in the door.

The boys got to open their helmets...we were too worried about them getting tossed in the pool if we let them open them at Grandma's, that is such a Jericho thing to do :\

Of course as soon as we got home my youngest son took his pants off. This kid is getting a little too used to nekkid time LOL.

This is the look I get when I tell him to put his pants back on...aww.

It was a great day...I need a nap.

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