
Thursday, July 11, 2013

Jericho is a fun playmate!

Oh that ABCmouse is quite the hit around here. The trio ask all the time to "do" and tell me it is "time to do some learning" LOL. Jericho is kind of pissy that he really never gets a turn.

Then he gets pulled into someone's game of make believe and forgets all about it. Here he is being Queen to Lily's King.

Such a good sport.

Then he looks at me like, Mom can I be done now, she is making me be the Queen.

I give you the royals :)

Xander and Jericho are the two lumps you see under there.

Silly boys!

Jericho has started doing the funniest playing by himself. He has little stories that we can hear bits and pieces of, and he acts out different screams and yells. Today he was doing the 3 Little Pigs. I heard him say something like "oh no the big bad wolf" Then he said "not by the hair on my chinny chin" it was so cute.

Can not believe my first babies are going to be FIVE tomorrow. I am afraid to blink...they might be all grown up on me when I open my eyes.

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