
Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Lily the hero and Pixie Hollow.

Jason got around to getting my TV wires run through the wall...even with a work injury that took 6 stitches he is still so handy LOL. On the subject of his injury, my kiddos all took very close looks before Jason got the stitches and after, I am proud to report they are not squeamish! I'm not either, but it was nasty could see his tendon and everything, bleh.

Lily, Jericho and "Baby" having a little tea party. Bug gave me a little plastic heart stencil today, and said "Here Mom, I give my heart to you." Awww!

Mmmm look at all that, you guys will have it all gone in 2 days. Fruit hounds.

We took the ABCmouse plunge today. So far it is really a pretty amazing program. Hopefully it will be a good tool for my little jaunt into "home schooling" this year.

The trio love it!

Jericho goes to his hiding spot when he steals some edible delight off the counter. Little turd.

Jericho, not even a month in on this whole potty trained mission and he thinks he can stand up already...even though he can't really reach LOL.

A little Wii let the kids have a turn Dad.

The girls got some new decorations in their room today. I walk in there and it is like I have been transported to Pixie Hollow :)

Later we decided to take a short walk out our back yard to the little park a couple minutes away.

This is the hand ball/basketball court at the green space right behind our house. I loved this when I saw it...I didn't even know the story behind it until today. Jason said one of the neighbors told him a lady that lives in the house behind us, that face this, lost her son in Iraq. She painted this in his memory. I guess it got tagged and vandalized once, so she repainted it. Very cool! I hope it is left alone now, if not I think we will be out there right next to her painting it back.

Hi Ho off to the park we go.
It is just a small little space, but it is close and for sure better than nothing. This photo was taken just before Haddie chickened out and instead of sliding down got herself back down the ladder. And this was the start of Lily ending up the hero of the day.
After Hayden got down, Jericho and Lily decided to go up.
Jericho had just watched Haddie back down and get off the slide, for some crazy reason he must have thought that looked fun. He started to scoot backwards while he was sitting up at the top. I was calling to him to come down the slide. Then he scooted back some more and I started worrying. I yelled at him to stop and come down the right way, while I called to Jason about going to get him. The next thing I know he falls off the top of the slide backwards...I scream and start running to him, there was no way I would have made it in time to catch him though. I get around the slide and see that some how when he fell back he sort of got himself sideways and had landed right across Lily's arms. She was waiting about a body length down on the ladder for him to slide down so she could go next, her hands were griping the ladder rungs and when he fell he landed right in her arms as if she was holding a watermelon or something. I ran to them and grabbed the back of his shirt as I yelled at Lily to not let him go. Jason ran around the slide and up the ladder and lifted Jericho out of Lily's arms. My nerves were totally shot, I was ready to go home...even though we had only been there about 5 minutes when this happened. I hugged both Lily and Jericho like crazy...told Bug that she was a hero and that she had saved her little brother from getting really seriously hurt. This is twice now she has saved him from a pretty bad fall, and now that I think about it...once that Xander has saved him from a fall...I think Jericho needs to be more careful in the future LOL.
After this everyone was a little scared of the slide for a little while, but they got over it...not so much Mom, I still need a drink after that fall. Oh man did I think he was really in trouble on that one. Lucky boy has an Angel watching over him, that is for sure.

Checking out the bridge and little tiny trail by the even tinier creek.

My big guy!

It is so easy to forget he is only 2 1/2.

I get to see his cute one little freckle, on his eyelid, all the time....I love it.

Anything you can do....

You wouldn't know that he just almost fell about 10 feet...fearless I tell you.

My cute little monkey children.

The trio sure do love taking care of their baby brother.

Kisses after a safe landing...wub!
A beautiful ending to the day.

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