
Monday, July 29, 2013

Not this again...

We had a long day ahead of us, so we started off with a yummy Pinterest inspired breakfast.
Coconut crusted French toast!

It was sooo good. A tiny tiny bit on the sweet side, but no one seemed to mind. You make your usual French toast dip (egg, vanilla, cinnamon and milk) but you use Sweet Hawaiian bread instead of regular bread, and after you dunk your bread in the milk mix you then put it in a bowl filled with coconut and cover both sides, then put it on the griddle and cook both sides as normal.

After breakfast we headed over to the old house, NO, we are still not 100% moved out LOL. We have the kids big wood play structure to get moved...we have totally been putting this off.

It is one big, heavy mofo!
Everyone wanted to get in the way help.

Haddie was a big help. She is also a girl who is comfortable with herself. Today I asked her if she wants to get your ears pierced yet. Hayden says... Nope, I like my ears just the way they are.
Good enough for me baby girl!

Loaded, now we have to line up someone that can pull it out from behind our house so we can hook up the Escalade and get it home. Then we get to line up some help to get it into our new yard and get the thing put back together once more. I think this will be the last time we move it, when we move out of the current the next 5-7 years, it will NOT be coming with LOL.
After we left the old house we stopped in Portland to buy something I saw on Craigslist. This silly silly set of bowls and a plate are going to make a very funny Christmas gift for someone special :)
I just love them Hahahaha!

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