
Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Reading to the ratties.

Just a quiet, boring, day at home today. The triplets have discovered the word bored...I fear it will be around for a long time to come LOL. They have also discovered their "tripletness" now we often see and/or hear them calling for huddles then saying "1, 2, 3 Go Triplets!" Oh boy.

Summer reading is in full swing, Jericho even wanted to read to the rats...and show them the pictures.

The babies are starting to get bigger, hopefully we can get them in the McMansion soon.

Jericho felt a book about a cat with a pet mouse would be a fun one for Remy, Star, Bumblebee and Hiccup.

Later Jason set the munchkins up with the sprinkler on the trampoline. Fun stuff!

Of course 2/4 had to get nekkid....this counts as today's shower right? :)

They were good at worn out at bedtime.

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