
Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Princesses are demanding creatures.

Some crazy clouds and rays of light this evening while we were playing in the backyard.

Lily has it stuck in her mind that we need to have a Princess tea party...and she will not let it go. Daily she brings it up at least 5 time...usually about three times that. Haddie joins in and together they have decided their menu and guest list...Cousin Rowan, Cousin Hailee and Bella. Xander and Jericho even have small roles LOL. This is their daily pile of flowers, just incase today is the day...they must have flowers at the party.

Silly boy, pretending to lock us out.
Then the dresses come out and the party demands continue. There will be pink milk as the tea, there will be pretzel sticks dipped in frosting and glitter, cookies and cake...oh boy. Didn't I just throw a kids party?

Silly girls.

Miss Haddie, she was feeling very cooperative today LOL.

Princess numero uno heself. Lily Bug...doesn't quite look like a little tea party tyrant does she?

Later Star got to spend some time in our makeshift free range rattie space.

Jericho loves the little guys. When he sees them playing in their little temporary cage he yells out "2 of them are fu fu (kung fu) fighting" LOL.

Star is so bitty and cute!

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