
Thursday, July 18, 2013

It's time for your check up.

My big kids had their 5 year check up today! We have been so lucky to not have to see our Doctor all that much *knock on wood,* the kids were really excited to see her...even though they knew they were getting a shot today. We are getting close to having them all caught up, not starting until 2 and getting only 1 shot every 6-12 months...well it takes a while :) I am so happy with our results and my gut feeling tells me this is right for us.

Xander, Lily and Jericho were pretty peachy. Hayden was a mess from the moment we got into the room until we left. Most of that time she spent screaming her head off, even when all the nurse was doing was getting her temp. or BP. It was ridiculous...seriously. I was horrible about shots as a kid too, like hiding under the furniture, kicking and screaming at the medical people...but I don't think I got that way until the needles actually came out.

Our bunch and their yearly mirror pics :)

Getting everyone's stats. They have all slowed a bit in their growth, especially Lily...she only gained 2 1/2 lbs all year, but they are looking great.

*Xander is 46 lbs and 45 1/4" tall, which is 90th and 95th %.  They are still saying he should be 6'1" or 6'2"

 *Hayden is 48 1/2 lbs and 45 3/4" tall, putting her at the 90th and 95th % too. They are saying 5'9"

*Lily Bug 42 1/2 lbs and 44 1/4 " tall, she is 50-75th % for weight and 75th-90th % for height. She is on track to hit about 5'7"

Not too shabby!
Jericho wanted to get in on the fun too. He is 36 1/2" tall :)

Don't be scared yet Bug, this is the easy part. When shot time came Lily was the one that took the shot the best. No crying, no flinch, nothing. Jericho was 2nd in line he yelled out a good "OUCH" when it was over. Xander did really well until he jumped when she stuck him causing it to hurt more and got himself a scratch with the needle...he cried for just a few seconds. Hayden oh dear Hayden. She went first, since she was already freaking out anyway we thought it best just to get her over with so it wasn't building up any more. She wouldn't hold still, screamed bloody murder and ended up with a needle scratch too. Poor thing :(

Their Doctor adores them, she is really glad we decided to keep them with her even though we now live a good 30-40 min away instead of 5.

After the kids appointment we got our new ratties a grand home. I lucked out and was sold this $250 small animal palace for $40. The rat community is full of really nice and very generous people! The cage is actually called a "Ferret Nation" people use them for ferret's, chinchilla's, rats and other small critters.

The boys have had it with their tiny temporary home...which in complete honesty, is the size of the litter boxes we put in their new one LOL.

We blocked off the whole bottom section for now. Figure it will be easier to litter box train them in a "smaller" area. They look so tiny all over again in this McMansion LOL.

They had a blast zipping all over the place.

We need to deck it out with hammocks, toys and other rattie fun stuff. It is so big, I think that will be a work in progress for a while.

They ran around so much everyone was getting thirsty at the same time.

Aww so cute.
Star, Hiccup and Bumblebee sharing a drink...think we better add a second water bottle LOL.

Look at the poor little cage they were in...yikes. The sad news is they will have to be in it for a couple more days.

The boys are still so tiny they can all fit right through these bars. Thankfully the lady that sold me this will loan me a different cage for them to grow a little more in. Hopefully in another 4-6 weeks they will be big enough to move into their new home for good.

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