
Friday, July 19, 2013

Training starts early.

Jason decided that he would do some work on his car today, he had 2 little boys at his elbow to hinder help him. I told them to pay attention so they can do it next time :)

While Jason got things set up we took a stroll over the "berm" ...I think we will be working on flattening that next year. It will be easier to mow and make look nice if it was flat.

It has been pretty hot for the last couple of weeks, Jason put up an EZ-UP tent thing to have some shade to work in. I thought he was being silly...until it took 7 hours to get everything done.

Didn't take the boys long to get filthy.

It took a long time to get the old breaks off...Jericho got a little bored, had to go entertain himself elsewhere.

The girls were busy making rock collections and trails.

Don't look so grumpy Lily.

That's better Bug.

Grandma came out for a visit, and had a Pinterest inspired dinner with us. Dijon chicken pasta...and it was yummy!

Serves 4, so we doubled it.
350 gram package fresh linguine, cooked
4 boneless skinless chicken breasts (we always use thighs)
1 cup sliced fresh mushrooms
3TB olive oil
4 cloves minced garlic
1/2 cup toasted slivered almonds (we left this part out)
4 oz white wine
2 cups whipping cream
3TB Dijon mustard

Heat olive oil in a large heavy bottomed frying pan over medium low heat. Add chicken breasts, garlic, season with salt and pepper and continue to fry the chicken until completely cooked.
Remove chicken from pan and hold in a warm oven.

Add wine, Simmer until volume is reduced by half.
Then add whipping cream and Dijon mustard.
Simmer until sauce thickens enough to coat a metal spoon. Return Chicken to the sauce, add the chanterelle mushrooms and simmer for an additional 2 minutes. Serve over cooked linguine. Sprinkle with toasted slivered almonds.

After dinner everyone headed back out to finish up working on Jason's work beater. This time with a little help from our neighbor, and new friend, Mack.

Lily decided it was time for a little dress up.

Grandma kept everyone busy and entertained.

New breaks and a CV thinga magigga took forever, but once it was all done everything worked great! Big props to guys that can do almost anything themselves :)

Make a wish Grandma...

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