
Sunday, August 18, 2013

5 years later.

5 years ago, yesterday, Xander finally joined his sisters at home. We had all our babies together under our roof, and sh!t was about to get real LMAO! They were 35 days old and they were each 5 - 5 1/2 lbs. It is pretty hard to remember them being this tiny, now they are 5 years...and 36 days, old and knocking on 50 lbs.
I wanted to take a then and now pic today. Wow, 5 years very different. All of us LOL.
So silly!

We sure love this fortunate we are that they have blessed our lives, immeasurably so.

Fun with Dad...he got hungry for a little Lily leg.


  1. It's hard to believe it's been 5 years!

    (My twins just turned 3!?!)

    What a great idea to take another picture...boy have they grown!

  2. Thanks!
    Oh my goodness, how are they 3 already?
    Time really does fly once you have kiddos!

  3. I love your hair!! So pretty.
    I know, not the point of the post, but still :P

  4. THANK YOU! Really needed to hear that LOL. It is in that awful grow-out stage where I'm just leaving it alone and trying to hang on until it is at least top of my shoulders length.
