
Saturday, August 17, 2013

Room for everyone.

The art fest continues, today Xander got in on the coloring...and between Xan, Haddie and Lily they went through an entire pack of paper. Jericho has been on coloring restriction, we have done a pretty good job of keeping him occupied and entertained while the bigs are busy, but today Haddie was feeling a little sorry for Jericho. She made them each a crown, decorated with the first letter of their names, and then drew a picture of them in their sweet when they include him and show concern for him :)
Jericho just loves his big sister Hayden....awww wub!

Jericho and Hayden, she is so bossy and demanding...but she sure does have a soft side too. We have some tall people in this family, have you noticed the leg length on all their pictures LOL.

The table is done...7 days later it looks totally different from how it started! Not too shabby for $50, plus a bottle of liquid sandpaper, 3 coats of gel stain and 3 coats of poly. We plan to get a couple small benches for the outside, but right now we all fit just fine.

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