
Friday, August 16, 2013

Finishing up a long week.

Today was Lily's 3rd and final class for this week, I think she has 2 more weeks until this session ends. She did an amazing job...I still can't believe how all this churns out a little swimmer, eventually. Pretty neat. Xan and Haddie are getting really bored with watching, and of course Jericho can't sit still for a second. I am really scared to take them by myself on the days Jason has to work during class time LOL.

After "swimming school" we hit up the kids new school for a little lunch, the trio would seriously come here every day if we let them LOL. They love the entire lunch room experience, grabbing their trays, picking their main course and sides, sitting in the cafeteria...the whole bit. I don't have the heart to tell them they have many, many years of this ahead of them LOL. They have also been eager to turn in their reading sheet and get their little prizes. We have read a little over 300 minutes since we started about 3 weeks ago.

The book lady helped them each pick what they wanted...they each got a little mini stufftie that clips on to backpack and such, the girls got packs of markers and Xander got a couple hula hoops...even though we tried to talk him out of them.

Then they picked out some new books to read.

After lunch and book fun we headed out to the old house. We got everything but their power wheels and a couple things in the shed out. We also got the house cleaned and ready for pictures so we can get it up for sale....finally LOL. 

Xander and Hayden were big helpers, Lily and Jericho...not so much.

Back home, we got the first coat of poly on the new kitchen set. Can't wait to get it done! It is not perfect, but considering we will probably only be in this house for the next 5-7 years...a house full of destructive little kids no less LOL, I'm happy with it.

Man that stain really does a nice transformation!

What a busy week...whew.

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