
Monday, August 26, 2013

Can't get away from deadly plants.

Lily is still loving swimming school, she also loves her new friend Sarah...I do believe the feeling is mutual hehehe.
So cute!

I thought my kids were big, Sarah is about to turn FOUR!
Watching Lily has gotten a lot more enjoyable for the other kids. They made a new friend, Chris, who brings a backpack full of toys. Today Chris arrived later than us, you should have heard Xander gasp and say "you're here!!!" when Chris showed up LOL. Xander had brought his own toys he really wanted to share with Chris.

It looks like a little daycare up here for a half hour, but it keeps everyone still and pretty quiet.

We had another little boy, Logan, join our play time...his brother is in Lily's class.

Lily is still not just canon balling right in at jump in time. Poor thing is like me, no matter how hard she tries water always goes up her nose.
And she HATES that the teacher won't let her plug LOL.

Go Bug!

We were chilling outside and Hayden wanted to take a picture of Gangster's smile ;)

Remember when we discovered we had Nightshade growing at our old house? Well looks like we have more here. We actually have a couple different kinds it seems, we have the same black berry ones that we had at the old house, but we also have this kind here. They almost look like mini mini cherry tomatoes, but they are called Chokecherry. These, so far, are just along the side of the house...and not in the back yard.

These pretty little flowers, which grow in our back yard, that my kids love because they look like snowflakes...these I have been told are Poison Hemlock. Great...ugh.

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