
Wednesday, August 28, 2013

The Doctor is in.

Lily has 2 more swimming classes left, she is doing so great. Grandma got to come and watch today...Lily was super excited to have a special person in the audience.

Making silly faces at us.

Xander, Jericho and Haddie had fun playing with their new friend Chris.

Thumbs up Bug!

Grandma's so proud of you Lily!

After swimming fun, the Doctor gave some very cooperative kids their check ups. She made her stethoscope with two little climber hook things, that she put over her ears, and a bead necklace...pretty genius :)

The girls and I were talking the other day about what they want to be when they grow up. Their plans have changed...again. Now Lily wants to be a "baby and little kid Doctor" an "animal Doctor" and when Hayden said she wanted to be a designer, Lily added that one to the list too. Hayden has enjoyed watching this season of Project Runway with I think that is where the whole design thing came from. The girls have started drawing outfits for people, and squidward LOL. Haddie also said she wants to be a farmer...she told me she wants to milk cows, complete with making the hand motions of milking a cow hehehe.

In other news...the old house was on the market for 4 days and got 7 offers, the first 2 came in on day 1! Getting 7 offers on your house is awesome...until you realize you have to sign or initial about 12 pages for each one, accepted or not LOL. We accepted one and put a second as backup. The two we picked came in over our asking price too! Hope this is all done soon.

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