
Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Go Lily!

Second swim class for Lily today. She did great, even put her whole face in the water this time! Hayden and Xander have now decided they want to take the class, of course it is now full. We told them we will sign them all up for the next one...who wants to take bets on them changing their minds again when it is game time?

Lily was being silly for us up in the viewing gallery today LOL.

Way to go Bug!

My little man is not feeling too good today :( Still such a cutie.

That a girl!
She did a better job jumping off the side at the end of class today. She doesn't like to jump in because her head goes under, but she did it.

No you have to jump to me.

I think she will have to work on this to graduate...but since she will repeat the class with Xan and Haddie I guess it doesn't matter all that much.

These classes take it out of her, she has napped after both classes now. Boy today she really needed it, actually EVERYONE did. Xander even got cranky, which usually that is his sisters thing. He stormed off to his room and yelled "I'm going to slam this door!" Hahaha Jason and I were like cool dude thanks for the warning, hate to break it to you but these doors don't slam unless the window is open. After not getting the slam he wanted, since our windows were closed, he opened his door and slammed it twice more LOL.

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