
Thursday, August 8, 2013

Help is only a couple doors away.

My first kid to suffer a bee sting...none other than the squisher himself, probably a little karma involved son, sorry. From the story I heard, after the fact, Jericho and Xander found an already dead bee while playing in the backyard. The quicker picker upper, A.K.A Jericho, did what he does...pick up icky bugs that he shouldn't, and got the stinger in his little thumb. He screamed pretty good for a couple minutes but was soon fine. It didn't seem to hurt him as much as I thought it would, he also didn't have any kind of reaction, so hopefully we have no bee allergies to worry about. Though I am not sure if those two points were because the bee was already dead...maybe a dead bee sting is less painful and less likely to cause a bad reaction?? I dunno, hopefully he has learned his lesson and we won't ever find out....something tells me this is unlikely though LOL.

I love living on a cul-de-sac, just love it. I think this will be a must for our next house. It is just so nice to have friendly and helpful neighbors all around us. Today our neighbor Tan helped Jason get the kids big play structure into the backyard.

I was there to supervise :)

Xander of course had to help.

Now to find a day to get it put back together. It is never ending I tell you LOL.

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