
Wednesday, August 7, 2013

I really need to catch the cupon craze.

We ran out of milk this morning so Jason ran to the store for some before breakfast, he came back with a whole lot more than milk. Seems the store was having a fire sale and you didn't even need coupons. SWEET!

You are looking at 18 boxes of cereal, 12 boxes of Nutri Grain bars, 5 boxes of Fiber plus bars, 2 boxes of crackers and 4 packages of cookies...for $55.00! Score...and it should last us a couple months LOL. I have caught a couple of those extreme coupon shows, and I know this is nothing...but it sure makes me wish I knew how to do what they it would save us tons.

After breakfast we headed over to the old house to work on getting the sheds in the back yard packed up. We really are almost done over there...probably one last trailer haul. The kids had lunch in their old rooms...Jericho was having fun waving at us in the mirror.

Jericho found my old motorcycle helmet...looks good Bud. It got Xander all excited about motorcycles. He thought it was Jason's, you should have seen his little jaw drop when I told him it was mine and that I used to have a motorcycle. Little dude was pretty impressed LOL. Then he asked for one and I said no way, no how! Hahaha.

It was so funny watching him try to walk in that thing.

Next up we got a very helpful piece of furniture from IKEA. I have been wanting this cute little shoe cabinet since we moved in, hoping it will keep the kids shoes from laying all over my house. I thought these instructions were pretty funny. Seems this one needs to be built by 2 happy people vs. 1 sad person.
Dad had two helpers, but by the end I think he just may have been happier doing it by himself Hehehe.

Aww they can be nice to each other sometimes :)

The girls were busy doing girls LOL.

Man IKEA stuff comes in so many pieces...thank goodness Jason is good at this kind of stuff.

Final touches.

All done...I love it, and I love that it holds 16 + pairs of shoes and is quite narrow so it doesn't really get in the way. It is fastened to the wall so no fears of the kids pulling it down on them.

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