
Friday, August 30, 2013

Swimming school graduate!

Today's was Lily's last swim class, the teacher had some fun things planned. Grandma and Great Aunt Julie came to watch.

The little swimmers got to put on life jackets and float in a huddle. Lily enjoyed it, she has been missing her life jacket.

Then they took a fun ride on a giant Hippo float.

And finally they got to go down a small water slide. Lily really liked it...she went twice!

Hayden thinks she is ready to start in 2 weeks. Some how I just know her tune is going to change on the first day of class. Hopefully she won't freak out too much.

Mr. Man...he likes to tell me I'm a nice Mom, or a good Mom, when I tell him he is a nice/good boy :)

Woohoo Lily Bug!

She got her diploma. She doesn't care that they want her to repeat the class LOL. I guess most kids take it 2-3 times before they are ready to move on to class 2.

Way to go Lily!
Other big news of the day. Haddie lost her first tooth! Just before lunch she came running to me with it telling me she had pulled it out the rest of the way herself.

Grandma and Julie hung out and had lots of fun things for the kiddos to do. A giant puzzle of Mr. Snuffleupagus.

Grandma brought over some really fun place the sticker story books.

Good times!

The tooth fairy will be dropping a little something off tonight...and she will be leaving the tooth. Hayden is so silly, she started bawling and freaking out about how she loved her tooth and was going to miss it. This girl LOL.
Funny, in tonight's news cast they actually did a story on inflation for the tooth fairy. Seems we don't pay the going rate. Apparently most of the country gives $4 per tooth...are these people NUTS?! Well our tooth fairy works for cheap, or we get a buy 1 get 3 free deal...however you want to look at it.

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