
Monday, September 2, 2013

Labor Day par-tay!

Labor Day get-togethers are always so fun. Seeing family and friends, enjoying yummy food and having a blast in the pool...a day just doesn't get much better.

As soon as the munchkins arrived they made a bee line right for the raspberries, Grandma was nice enough to leave everything ready for a picking. 
The kiddos were so happy to see Auntie Stacie.


It was a beautiful day, I love when Oregon cooperates!

Snack done, ready to swim.

Lily was very excited to show everyone what she has been learning.

Someone is in a time out...little pout, so cute.

After dinner the croquet was busted out.

We had a lot of success on the monkey bars, the trio are just about able to make it across by themselves.

Big hugs for Auntie. We had tears the whole way home because Haddie was already missing her Auntie so much awww. Mother in laws cousin, took some fabulous pics throughout the day. She got this cute one of Bug.

This one of Jericho and Kianna playing. These two get cuter every year :)

A big group...Grandma's family, such a great bunch.

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