
Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Wigs, dog baths and big balls.

We will all be Superheroes this Halloween. The girls BOTH want to be Firestar. Since she is not one of the main characters you can't find a costume in the store...thankfully it will be a very simple one to make ourselves. Today we got a start on their costumes and found two red wigs. The girls loved trying them on LOL.

Firestar doesn't have curly hair, but you take what you can get. I may try a couple ideas I saw online to relax the curls, we'll see.

So silly!

This was Gangster just before the great toothbrush bath began.
The kids got it in their head to give G a bath...with a bowl of water and an old toothbrush...which I have no idea how a toothbrush made it outside LOL.

He was so patient.

Jericho had to improvise with a stick when Hayden wouldn't share the toothbrush.

This was about when Hayden said "Mom I thought about washing his privates but decided not to" LMAO.

She did wash his tail though.

Am I done yet?

He looks thrilled doesn't he?

What a good, and clean, boy he is!

Hayden came in and went about drawing G in a picture. She said this is all stuff that makes him happy. Putting paw prints in our door, peeing on toys and eating apples in the back yard. Awesome!
Miss Haddie lost her second tooth today! Now my girls have each lost 2...Xander's so far are all wiggle free.

Rattie Star got to try out their new giant ball to run around in. He seemed to enjoy it, didn't freak out at all. Even when 4 little kids were going ape shit with excitement. The strangest things make them so happy Hahaha.
Just what did you think my post title was talking about??? ;)

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