
Sunday, October 6, 2013

Breakfast all day.

Today was a strange meal day around here. The kids picked cereal for breakfast, then after breakfast Lily got upset because apparently she really wanted oatmeal. Funny, I thought the screaming and shaking her head violently 'No' when I offered it for breakfast meant she wasn't interested. Per Hayden "being cranky is Lily's thing" and I think she may be right LOL. So I told my grumpy Bug we could have oatmeal and toast for lunch and all was right as rain. Then for dinner they wanted raspberry pancakes AND bacon. We haven't had bacon in this house in a long, long time...possibly not since Christmas. So just hearing the word started my tummy growling. I had to head over to my new BFF blog, Skinny Taste, and see if I could find something Jason and I could partake of too. I am down almost 10 lbs, and I am not stopping until I take that damn catsuit off after trick or treating with the kids LOL. 
Lucky me....we found a Banana nut pancake recipe, and a couple pieces of turkey bacon to go with it.

1 cup whole wheat flour
2 tsp baking powder 
1/4 tsp salt
1/4 tsp cinnamon
1 large banana, very ripe, mashed
1 cup 1% milk
3 large egg whites
2 tsp oil
1 tsp vanilla
2 tbsp chopped walnuts (optional...we went without the nuts but added a small container of raspberries which I'm so glad we did...the sweetness of the raspberries really helped.)
olive oil or butter flavor cooking spray

Mix all dry ingredients in a bowl. Combine milk, egg white, oil, vanilla and mashed bananas in a bowl and mix until smooth. Combine wet ingredients with the dry and mix well with a spoon until there are no more dry spots. Don't over-mix.

Heat a large skillet on medium heat. Spray cooking spray to lightly coat and pour 1/4 cup of pancake batter. When the pancake starts to bubble and the edges begin to set, flip the pancakes. Repeat with the remainder of the batter. Without nuts it is 129 calories and 2 1/2 grams of fat for 2 pancakes, I had 3 LOL.

This makes 12...we had to triple it to feed all 6 of us, the kids were putting them down like they hadn't had 2 other breakfasts today Hahaha! They were pretty good, not what I am used to with the wheat flour and all, but they weren't bad. Jason thinks my taste buds are getting used to this healthy eating thing, he told me if he had served these to me 6 months ago he would have had to duck as I threw them back at him Hehehe. 

Lily has another missing tooth...#4 down. Thankfully we had no special requests this time whew.

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