
Saturday, October 5, 2013

Slugs, soccer and shaved heads.

A little bit of everything today.
I have been seriously in a craft rut...I can't believe how long it has been. My garage and bonus/craft/office room are both still disasters from the move. I can not function in a is like I short out and just get in a funk. Today I tried to get out of it with a little water painting with the kids. It didn't totally work...but it was a step in the right direction.

They have been asking to paint or craft for they were quite excited.

The boys did a little painting too.

Since Grandma got our Holiday decorating started a couple days ago, I pulled out the one piece of Halloween décor I own LOL.

It was actually not raining today, so we all headed out front to mow the front yard...hopefully the last time of the year. Haddie found a couple new friends.

When Jason was done mowing, he played a little soccer with the troops.

Go Jericho!
 The colors are starting to get vibrant and huge piles of leaves yet, but hopefully we can find Hayden a bunch of leaves to jump in soon LOL.

We were all having fun and hanging out, when I look over and catch Jericho...pants down, pointing at a tree stump and weeing away. Little turd LOL. I had my camera in my hand but was too shocked to snap a pic until he was pretty much done. I didn't know if I should laugh or scold...Jason busted out laughing so I decided to let it go. Boys...

After soccer and peeing out front, Jason buzzed Xander's hair. Xan was actually asking to have his hair buzzed for the last couple of days...guess he prefers it this way. So handsome!

Oh I love it when they are quiet, in their room and not getting into trouble. I don't even care that they never clean their room...well I don't care right this minute.

The girls room is always clean...I am really wondering if Hayden is a little OCD for real. She has started fixing up their toothbrushes and toothpaste after brushing...she even says "ah that's better" when she is finished tidying up.

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