
Friday, October 25, 2013

It is not often I have a Pinterest FAIL.

We have a costume potluck party to go to tomorrow. The kids have been super excited, especially when the ingredients for the desserts we are bringing came into the house LOL. I saw two super cute ideas on we will make tomorrow just before we leave, the other we tried to make today. It is not often that I have a Pinterest FAIL but I sure did today. I hope my other dessert turns out much better.

I wanted to make those severed finger sugar cookies...they looked so simple and festive. I got the shape, knuckle scores and almond finger nails right.

Hayden and Lily did a great job of putting the cocoa powder and cinnamon and sugar mix on the knuckles for that dirty decomposing look.

They looked totally great as they headed into the oven. Too bad that was the last time they looked like severed fingers.

I opened the oven and just yelled "NNNOOOOoooo" I'm not sure what went wrong, other than using prepackaged store sugar cookie dough was not the right way to go.

While they were still soft I chopped off the bloated edges. It worked well enough...they won't be winning any prizes though, that is for sure.
A spooky bowl of supplies for the other dessert. Hopefully these ones will turn out perfect.

My dear friend, and realtor extraordinaire, brought me a lovely bouquet of flowers. The sale finally went through on the old house with the first offer we accepted! This stuff takes forever. Hoping to close early next month.

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