
Saturday, October 26, 2013

A full day of Halloweenie fun!

Today was a jam packed day. First the boys got to go to their Superhero boy party. The girls must have totally forgot that they went to a Princess tea party, just two weeks ago, with the way they lost their damn minds when they didn't get to go with their brothers. I'm so glad I got to stay home with the cranky girls while Jason and the boys went and had fun.

Jason was nice enough to take a few pictures for me :)
They had fun, of course the snacks were a big hit.
They had some fun coloring crafts.
Then Jericho was up for his face painting. Jason told me he did pretty well, but that it was probably a good thing we only wanted a small pair of glasses painted...he may not have been able to sit still much longer LOL.

Xander went full Spider-man.
A little play-doh fun while other boys got painted.
They got home a couple hours later and plowed a quick lunch...they were almost too excited for tonight's costume party to eat.
I got to look at the pictures Jason picked out. He did a fantastic job...I was so impressed :)
My cute Superman in disguise LOL.

Xander looked the web shooting hands Hehehe.

My boys...wub!
If you need a couple adorable Superheroes, you know who to call :)

I am happy to announce after my severed finger Pinterest fail, our other party dessert turned out fantastic!
Yummy pudding and Oreo graveyards!

I made took almost 4 boxes of pudding and 1 1/2 packages of Oreo's. The grave occupants were from the $ store, 4 for $1.
I put 2-3 tablespoons of crushed Oreo's in the bottom of the cup, then filled the cup halfway with pudding, add the dead guy...bending his limbs carefully, they will break off. Top with some more pudding and cookies and a little pumpkin. Yummy festive dessert with a toy to play with later :)

Our friends party was amazing...they go all out with their decorations and party games. This was our first year making it to their annual party, such a fun evening...already can't wait for next year!
Our little Firestar's went without their wigs tonight...we shall see if they actually wear them on Halloween.
We were lucky to get them to stop and eat a few bites.

Then the games started. Xander actually made one ball in...but it wasn't enough to win. Close Bud.

The kids couldn't wait to get their puddings...from what I hear, they were good :)
Next game...which rat went the farthest.

Haddie had a good the end she was the winner!

She got to pick one of the cute boxes filled with Halloween prizes.
Next game....bobbing for marshmallow's, with a twist.
Hands behind your back, marshmallow on a string, string held...and moved, by the party hosts on the 2nd floor. So fun! Haddie was very good at this one too. Xan and Lily didn't feel like playing.

Lots of groups of 3 and 4 went, the the winners of each group went against each other. I was the score keeper for this one :)

They didn't make it easy :)

The adults had a go at it next LOL.

Such a great party. Well until Jericho vanished on us for the last 20 minutes and I started to freak out. He has this bad habit of playing hide and seek, without telling anyone and then doesn't come out when you call him. My friend found him hiding in a shower...with shampoo all over him ugh. 
Just before we left all the guests voted for best spooky dish, best kid costume and best adult costume. I am proud to have won for best adult costume...go Catwoman :)
After we got home and got the kids to bed, my Nephew Tyler came over to babysit. Some of our old pool friends were getting together for a costume party at the bar up the street. I was very good, 1 drink and 1 jello shot. I was so sober in fact I chickened out on joining their costume contest...even though half the bar told Jason and I to get our butts up there LOL. Maybe next year...

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