
Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Meeting new, tiny, friends!

The kiddos had to get their flu shots today. Lily was a rock, Jericho did really good too. Hayden actually improved over last years crying fest, and only cried right at shot time. Xander was a mess...before we even left the house LOL. He screamed and cried until the needle was back out of his leg then was immediately and 100% fine.

Lily just calmly looking at a book, she was not worried at all.
Xander looking brave was a total lie.
Jericho trying to hide, Xander was getting him a little worried.
After their flu shot we headed to their new Dentist office to make our candy donation. The kids were all super excited to do it.
It would have been quicker for Jason to just run it in I suppose...but we wanted them to get the full experience of being generous. Hayden, Lily and Jericho tried to carry the bag together LOL. Little did we know but they actually gave the kids money for the candy. I didn't know they were paying, I thought they might get a sticker or small toy maybe but totally didn't expect her to come at us with cash. My crew donated 6 1/2 lbs and got $7. It would have put a little damper on the lesson of being generous just to be generous that we were trying to teach them, but thankfully they didn't stick around long enough to see the cash. They handed over the bag and then ran to check the kid waiting area out.
They loved the fun stuff in the waiting room.
Oh Lord 3 tablets. They didn't want to leave.
We had friends coming over so that gave us some good bribe material to get them out of the Dentist office...Lily and Xander still had a fit but what else is new, it is always at least one of them.

Our friends Lisa and Miss Kenzie came over to play, have lunch and introduce us to little Gavin...A.K.A Red Feather :)
He is just the cutest 3 1/2 week old little man...with a head full of hair. My kids totally adored him.
I was not the only one feeling the fever. Hayden said about 10 times that she wished she had a baby, which of course led to the how will a baby get in her stomach question. I told her she can have her own baby at 25, then Lisa added we would tell her how at 24 LMAO!!

Oh yeah...feeling the fever :)

Lunch today was a "skinny" one....and super easy too.
BLT with avocado sandwich.

Ingredients...per sandwich:
3 slices center cut bacon (oscar meyer)
2 slices honey 7-grain bread, toasted
1/4 cup lettuce of your choice, we used baby spinach
2 thin slices tomato
1/4 haas avocado, sliced
salt and pepper to taste

1 sandwich (with 2 pieces of bread...we only used 1 piece) is 292 calories and 13 grams of fat.
We served it with those yummy cauliflower tots and was excellent!
The kiddos all had so much fun playing with Kenzie. Of course Jericho was very trying at times. I think Kenzie had a few moments of flash forwards to when Gavin is older LOL.
Cutie pie!

Thanks for a great afternoon Lisa...hope we can get together again soon! XOXOX

Day 13: I am so thankful to have amazing friends. I love spending time with friends, but it is often hard to get out of the house for adult time. I really appreciate that we have some great friends that brave our loud, crazy, wild, busy and...sometimes even messy, house to visit and hang out. Love you!

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