
Saturday, November 9, 2013

Party time!

Our dear friends got together today to celebrate Miss Natalia's 6th Birthday. Chuck E. Cheese has been seeing a lot of my kids over the last couple of months...and the kiddos LOVE it!

A little pizza dinner before the fun got started.

You may notice my lack of a bazillion photos in this post. My camera was acting up on me...not wanting to take the photo when I pushed the button. Scared the crap out of me...we can not afford to replace my new fancy schmancy camera. By the end of the night it seemed like it was working OK again. I don't know...we'll see.
Birthday girl and friends being silly. I can't believe this peanut is 6 already. I remember getting to hold her itty bitty self when she was still in the NICU. She is so precious.
We have been watching a lot of 'Signing Time...with Alex and Leah' The trio wanted to sign "Happy birthday" to Natalia. I am learning a lot from the show too...I love to sign, but I am very rusty.
Poor Jericho spilled his drink on himself and missed out on singing Happy birthday.
Happy Birthday Natalia...we love you!

A little dance with one of the Cheese family members before we headed home.

My last couple Thankful posts.
Day 8: I am thankful my apple fell far from the tree. I am also strangely thankful I got such an up close and personal look at what NOT to do. My children have a better mother for it, and I hope to be much better at my "job."

And today...Day 9: I am thankful I am not the only person with more than the usual 2 kids. I am thankful to have some special friends who love kids and are more than happy to add in my crew. I would be even more thankful if we got to hang out more often  :)

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