
Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Merry Christmas, every one!

Good thing I was expecting screams this might have thought something was wrong in the kids bedrooms LOL. The girls love their new doll house, even if they can't see or reach the top floor. Lily pointing out the first thing she had her new doll people do....

Go potty of course LMAO.

The boys loved their rescue station house too. Xander was up first this morning and was quite loud.

I had an hour of peace and quite to make the kids snowman breakfast.

The "skinny" pancakes were gross without raspberries, but the kids ate theirs without problem....must be all the sugar and syrup they got.

Next they got their stockings from Santa. The rest we had to wait for Jason to get home from work. The houses and Santa stuff had no problem keeping them entertained.

Some Christmas morning snuggles.

Just about time!

Jason had but one foot in the door before the kids started yelling about opening their gifts LOL. I got home last night and tossed my new PJ's in the washer....they are so cozy to wear, love them!

We made a lot of the gifts from the kids to the kids...even though they didn't get to go shopping with us, I hope we can start that next year. Funny the girls totally went with it, even gave big explanations on why they picked a certain toy for a certain person LOL. The girls got their brothers a couple transformers...which were a hit.

The trio got real piggy banks finally, of course Jericho broke Xander's before the hour was over. We thought the Rock Star Hello Kitty was perfect for Hayden. She cracked up her Auntie Stacie last night as we were leaving Grandma's. She invited her Auntie into her room to write a song together the next time Auntie visits us at home. I hope you are ready to share some of the spotlight Auntie ;)

The boys got each other a couple big action figures...another hit.

Hayden got Lily a book about a Fairy named Lily :)

A Batman and a Superman...Jericho is set LOL.

Xander got a remote control helicopter...which he never got to fly because it was broken. Bummer. He was so excited.

His new HexBug helped...this thing is actually super cool, creepy, but cool. Reminds me of that old movie, Tom Selleck and the mechanical spiders...Runaway. Xan kept yelling "Mom it has technology inside!" I'm not sure how he even knew about HexBugs...but I'm glad we got this little thing...I think we need a couple more.
Jason got a little gift from the kiddos.

My Seahawks fan.

Now the gifts we saved for last...

The boys got a Kindle Fire HD to share and so did the girls.

Xander was the most pleased, Hayden too...Lily and Jericho didn't seem to care all that much.

The girls piggy banks...put up high and safe from Mr. Destructo.

101 cookie cutters...oh I see a lot of fun shaped foods in my future.

I think Lily's fave gift...maybe even more than the doll house, her Baby Alive baby.

Such a little Mommy LOL.

Haddie likes hers too...but she seems a little less maternal than her sister. The girls are pleased to introduce...Lily's baby, Sophia, and Hayden's baby, Scarlett. :)
I have not yet told them these babies drink real water and pee...and I am not sure I am going to LOL.

Uncle Rick, Auntie Tia and the boys came by to give the kiddos some gifts...they went a little nuts with gifts for the kids. They gave Jason and I one of our fave gifts too...a gift card to the movies and a free evening of babysitting for our date...Holla!!!

I'm going to go out on a limb and say the kiddos 2nd Christmas of the year was a good one :) Thanks Guys for loving our kids so much...and being so generous.

Photo challenge...Day 25: Best bit of your day.

We got a few things for my bro, nephews and sister in law too.

Tia LOVED her "Kitty butts to you" dish set.

Of course we all spent a good hour trying out the kids new stuff LOL.

He is hunting wabbits...have you seen any? LOL

Time for bed...Bug is off to co-sleep with Sophia :)

Merry Christmas to one and all...I hope your day was full of love, laughter and togetherness.

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