
Thursday, December 26, 2013

Our neighbors are so sweet.

Jason went and did some shopping for Jericho's birthday party. That is a lot of candy...I am so glad I am not a candy person, those mini M&M's look pretty tasty though :)
T-minus 3 days until party time!

The kiddos got their 3rd Christmas today, Uncle Scott, Auntie Amber and Hailee brought some fun gifts over.

Hailee got to open the gifts from us, Grandma Karen and Great Aunt Julie too :)

We have really loved living at the new house, the cul-de-sac is are our new neighbors. A little too awesome maybe. For the last 8 years we lived in a house on a really busy street, we spent next to no time out front...and in those 8 years probably talked to our neighbors a whopping 10 times. So when the Christmas gifts from 4 of our new neighbors started rolling in we were totally surprised, and unprepared. We decided to give everyone some yummy S'more's Bars in a jar...and a little snowman family to match their the one I made for us. Now that we are in the know on this neighbor thing we should be able to do better next year LOL.

I haven't tried these for myself yet...but they sounded good, and look cute. Hope they bake up well.

If you want to gift them...or try them you will need:
1 ½ cups teddy bear shaped graham cracker cookies (I broke them up after reading some comments on the original recipe.)
1 ½ cups miniature marshmallows
1 ½ cups semi sweet chocolate chips
½ cup brown sugar
1 (quart) mason jar

Layer all ingredients in the mason jar (we had to do a little smooshing of every layer but the Teddy Grahams to get it all to was a tight squeeze LOL.) and attach an instruction label.

Preheat oven to 350ยบ F. Prepare a 9” square baking dish with non-stick cooking spray. Pour contents of the jar into a bowl and mix, add ½ cup melted butter (many comments said this was too much and to half it, so I instructed to use 1/4 cup melted butter) and toss. Pour into the prepared baking dish and press firmly. Bake for 15 minutes. Remove from oven, if a little soupy stir it all up then press flat with a spatula and cool completely. Some said 30 minutes in the fridge did the trick. Cut into 12 small squares.

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