
Saturday, January 4, 2014

Jump up, jump up, and get down!

Jericho's first girlfriend...and like 4th cousin LOL...had her 3rd birthday party today. Kianna's Mom and Dad rented out a Pump It Up Jr. and I am now loving the idea for Jericho's next party. Everyone had an hour of great energy burning fun, then had a quick dinner and dessert and left. No fuss and no clean win!
There was plenty to do, the party was even kid drop off if you wanted...but my biggest kid AKA Jason, wanted to play too :)

Go Jericho!
You too babe...glad you had so much fun LOL.
The hour in the bounce house area totally flew by, crazy kids.
Then the kiddos tried out the Wind Zone thingy.
Lily and Xander got out pretty quick, but Haddie and Jericho hung in there.
Hahaha awesome!
The girls kept going down all the slides holding hands. They have this sister power thing going strong, I love it! Hope they never let it slip away.
Xander was being a little bit of a pest to some of the other kids. He wants so much to play with the bigger boys, and he really is a sweet kid, but he really doesn't know the ins and outs of following what others do and not taking things too far. He got a little crazy with dodge ball, but everyone survived...hopefully with a little more maturity be will be able to play even better with other kids.
Jericho was a little wild man, we expected no less LOL.
Such a good time!
Trying to get close to 25 kids to get together for a photo is not easy.
Time for some pizza and cake! Which Jason and I stayed away from...still trying to get down to our final goals.
At gift time Kianna drew a big crowd LOL.
Such a fun party! Happy Birthday cutie!
We got home in time for a small snack and bed. Errr funny story...Kids can be so gross. When we got home Haddie went to the bathroom. She comes out to have her bedtime snack with the other kids. I ask her if she washed her hands, she said yes. Then the others start quizzing her on just what she did in the bathroom. As they narrow the options Lily says "so you went poo-poo...what did it smell like?" Oh My Gross LOL.

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