
Monday, January 6, 2014

Dead animals everywhere.

Xan had his speech class today, Jason let me sleep in while he took Xander up the street to school. I guess on the walk he saw a sign and asked Jason what it said. Before reading it himself first Jason just read it out loud to Xander. It said "Warning...Coyote seen in the immediate area attacking a cat."

You can probably imagine the thoughts and questions this information sparked for a very curious 5 1/2 year old boy. Jason told me Xan was concerned for the cat and for everyone's safety...and wondered why the coyote would eat a cat, and if he ate the whole cat.

Xander couldn't wait to share this news with everyone he saw for the rest of the day. Jason said he told the school secretary and his PT teacher...also adding "don't worry, my Dad and Mom will shoot that coyote." Ugh thanks son, thanks for making your school think we are gun toting crazies LOL....but yeah I would shoot a coyote if need be.

When I picked him up from class Xan came running to me saying "I've got bad news Mom" then he proceeded to tell me the whole coyote story. I'm glad Jason briefed me first, it helped me be up to speed when Xan started on the story. Happy to report so far I haven't had to cap a coyote...hope Wylie steers clear.

On the way home Xander and I stopped at the store. Gosh it is so nice getting out of the house with just 1 or 2 kiddos...we really need to start doing more 1 on 1 or 2 on 1 things.

My son is still on this "dead animal" kick...ever since the venison. Today when we went by the meat and seafood area he was yelling out "Mom look, this is a dead animal" and "Mom this is a dead sea creature" He would say poor fish or poor cow...he is so sensitive, but he also grasps that these animals provide nourishment for our bodies.
So many dead animals to look at. He was making everyone near him laugh a little...thankfully no one seemed offended by his observations of the various animals status LOL.

Dinner tonight...I tweaked a "Skinny" crock pot spaghetti sauce a was yummy, and still "Skinny".

You need:
Crushed Tomatoes, 28 oz
Lean Italian Chicken Sausage, 1 lb
Green Bell Pepper, 1 chopped
Baby Bella Mushrooms Sliced, 1 package
Minced Garlic, 2.5 tsp
Olive Oil, 1 tsp
Other spices to taste (Black pepper, minced onion, parsley, Italian seasoning)

Brown the sausage in a large skillet, breaking up any large pieces with a wooden spoon. When sausage is browned, drain and add to crock pot.

Clean skillet with a paper towel and set flame to high; when hot add oil. Add garlic and cook until golden but do not burn; add tomatoes and garlic to crock pot along with fresh cracked pepper and spices. Add chopped bell pepper and mushrooms. Cover and cook on low for 6-8 hours. 

Serves 7...1 serving is 136 calories and 3 grams of fat. 
I had it over Ronzoni smart taste spaghetti, so funny how I actually like this stuff now when you couldn't pay me to eat it 6 months ago.

For dessert, you know because the kids wanted some, I concocted some sort of light cookies...not really as "Skinny" as we have been doing but not horrible either. Peanut butter banana oatmeal with mini M&M' sounds a little crazy maybe, but they came out good.

You need:
All Purpose Flour, 1 cup
Baking Powder, 1 tsp
Baking Soda, 1/2 tsp
Cinnamon, 1/2 tsp
Brown sugar, 1/2 cup
Sugar, 1/2 cup
Oatmeal, 2 cups
Unsalted Butter, room temp., 2 Tbsp
Peanut butter, 2 Tbsp
Egg, 1
Vanilla extract, 1/2 tsp
Banana, mashed, 1
Mini M&M's, 1/2 cup

 Directions: Directions:
Preheat oven to 350°; line two baking sheets with foil, sprayed, or parchment paper or use a silpat.

In a medium bowl, whisk together flour, baking powder, baking soda and cinnamon.

In a large bowl, with a mixer, cream together the butter and the sugars on medium speed.
Add the egg, followed by the mashed banana, peanut butter and vanilla extract.

Working by hand, stir in the flour mixture and the oats until just combined and no streaks of flour remain; stir in the M&M's.

Drop heaping tablespoonfuls of the dough onto prepared baking sheets. The batter was a little gooey but they baked up fine.  Bake for about 10-12 minutes, or until cookies become light brown at the edges. Let cool on baking sheet for 3 or 4 minutes, then transfer to a wire rack to cool completely. Store in an airtight container so you don't eat them all in one sitting! Makes about 30 cookies. 2 cookies will set you back 191 calories and 5 grams of fat. A bit high compared to really "Skinny" cookies, but they were really yummy.

While I am on the subject of food. I went through my recipe section of the blog...What's cookin', Good lookin'?...and implemented a star ranking system. I have been wanting to do this, as of course I love some things that we have made more than others. I thought it might help people that want to try something out.
*= not liked
**= just OK
***= good
****= great, made more than once
*****= awesome, made often

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