
Wednesday, January 8, 2014

A trip to the Dentist for the boys.

Today was Jericho's very first visit to a Dentist, this was Xander's second trip...his first was back when the trio were almost 3, boy has it been that long?? Yikes! The boys did great...better than I expected actually. The girls go tomorrow...I hope it goes as well for them too.

A little show and tell on what these gadgets will do.

Jericho got to hang out with a Tiger friend.

Xander getting his check up and cleaning. He did so great!

The check up went OK. He has 1 small cavity back between two of his molars...kind of a sucky spot. He will need to go back in a week or two and get it fixed. The Dentist also asked if he ever suffered any trauma to his front middle teeth. His x-ray looks like one is pretty damaged in the root area. We need to x-ray it every 3 months and watch for it to start decaying. If that happens they will have to pull it to keep the issues from spreading to the adult tooth. I don't remember him ever getting really bleeding from his mouth, though I guess it could have been more minor and still caused this...and we do have small injuries all the time LOL.

Jericho cooperated so much better than I thought he would, I was really impressed LOL.

Opening wide like a Tiger :)

No cavities for him, yay!

X-rays were a little more work with him not wanting to sit still, but they got what they needed...eventually LOL. The ladies were so patient and wonderful with the boys.

We got home in time for some lunch. Jericho started making Tink and Silver Mist make out while he waited for some grub LMAO!

Bath time...silly Lily, said she was trying to stay warm...though she didn't want to get out of the tub.
The Kindles have been great, the kiddos don't get them every day...and an hour is their cut off time, but they are enjoying them. We still need to find good protective cases...thank goodness the kids have been very careful and know not to get up and walk around with them.
Dinner tonight was a "Skinny" one that we haven't tried before. We are still eating "Skinny" for at least 2 meals a day, but I haven't been posting them because a lot are things we have made, and I have posted, before. I have about 3 1/2 lbs to go before I hit my final is being VERY stubborn, of course.

Spinach lasagna rolls...oh man was it good! 1 roll will cost you 225 calories and 5 grams of fat....made without my tweak, with my tweak it ran us about 285 cals and 6 grams of fat.

You will need:
9 lasagna noodles, cooked
10 oz frozen chopped spinach, thawed and completely drained
15 oz fat free ricotta cheese
1/2 cup grated Parmesan cheese
1 egg
salt and fresh pepper
9 tbsp (about 3 oz) part skim mozzarella cheese, shredded
32 oz tomato sauce (this is where my tweak came in...I used 4 cups of left over Light chicken sausage and veggie spaghetti sauce instead)

 Preheat oven to 350°.
Combine spinach, ricotta, Parmesan, egg, salt and pepper in a medium bowl.
Ladle about 1 cup sauce on the bottom of a 9 x 12 baking dish.
Place a piece of wax paper on the counter and lay out lasagna noodles. Make sure noodles are dry. Take 1/3 cup of ricotta mixture and spread evenly over noodle.
Roll carefully and place seam side down onto the baking dish. Repeat with remaining noodles.
Ladle sauce over the noodles in the baking dish and top each one with 1 tbsp mozzarella cheese.
Put foil over baking dish and bake for 40 minutes, or until cheese melts.
Makes 9 rolls.
These were surprisingly simple to make.
I am really glad we had the left over spaghetti sauce...the mushrooms, bell peppers and chicken sausage went perfectly, but I know it would be good made the original way too.
We put 3 in a sauce free dish...for my crazy anti red sauce girls. The boys will eat it with or without, those two will eat just about anything LOL.
I can't wait!!!
They came out perfect...thank goodness there are leftovers!
Not too shabby, this plate is about 450 calories. Jason and I were talking all big and bad, how we were going to have to have 1 1/2 lasagna rolls to get full, but with the salad and bread 1 was plenty. So good!
I usually skip the bread, but I have started a new work out challenge so I am trying to bump my daily calories up to 1,000. The first challenge is a 5 day, then on the 15th a 30 day starts up. This lady is amazing I started doing her workouts back when Jericho was an infant...but of course fell off the wagon. I can stick to eating "Skinny" and no crap food pretty easy, but hanging with workouts is so hard for me. I hope I can stick to it. If you are looking for a work out give Body rocking a try...she is hard core, but gives people like me options on ways to tone it down to my level LOL.

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