
Sunday, January 12, 2014

The Tooth Fairy flies again.

We have been cracking down on the thumb sucker, I am determined to not need the thousand dollar contraption from the Dentist to stop Bugs habit. The 'Thumb Busters' that we bought for Lily have not arrived yet so the last couple of days she has slept with a sock on her hand. She seems to be ready to stop, and interested in earning a big prize for stopping...but since she does it mostly in her sleep I am not sure that will be enough. Actually it seems like Hayden is having a harder time with Lily not being able to suck her thumb than Lily is LOL. She is so concerned that her sister won't be able to sleep, it is sweet. I hope putting things on her hands will do the trick.

Hayden made me laugh, and send a text message to her Dad, last night. The kids were watching a Handy Manny before bed. When Manny had fixed something, Hayden said "Oh Manny is a good fixer, just like Dad." Thank goodness for her Dad's Mr. Fixit skills!

Tonight's dinner was a yummy "Skinny" turkey meatloaf, with some "Skinny" baked fries.

1/4 cup plus 2 tbsp ketchup
2 tsp worcestershire sauce
1/2 small onion, minced
1 tsp olive oil
1.3 lb 99% lean ground turkey
1/2 cup seasoned breadcrumbs (I use 4c Whole Wheat)
1 egg
1 tsp marjoram
salt to taste
It was a little bland, next time we will add a few more spices or something.

Preheat the oven to 350°. In a small bowl combine 2 tbsp ketchup with worcestershire sauce.
Saute olive oil and onion on low until translucent, remove from heat.
In a medium bowl mix turkey, onion, breadcrumbs, egg, 1/4 cup ketchup, salt and marjoram.
Place mixture into a loaf pan or shape into a loaf and place on a baking pan.
Spoon sauce on top. Bake uncovered for 55-60 minutes, remove from oven and let it sit for 5 minutes before slicing.
This serves 4, 260 calories and 5 grams of fat per slice. The fries you can find here.

Last night while we were brushing teeth we discovered one of Lily's two front teeth was pretty loose.
By tonight the thing was hanging on by a thread. I can't pull them...eww, just can't. Haddie was having no trouble helping out though. The girls were trying for an hour to get that tooth out.

This was Lily grabbing on to Hayden telling her to just get it out LOL. Jericho is like...what the heck are you two doing.

Slippery tooth. Hayden would grab it then I would try to knock her arm down...hoping the tooth would come too. No such luck.

Then the two of them disappeared into the bathroom for 10 minutes....and come out with a surprise to show me. Lily has lost 5 teeth now.

She was so happy...but so was her sister LOL.
It almost feels like my babies were just getting these teeth not that long are they loosing them already?! Time, you don't have to go so fast...really.
Her other front tooth is loose too, should be out in a couple days. I hope we get that thumb sucking stopped so as the adult teeth, and bone, come down and in a lot of the damage can correct itself. The Dentist said this is the only time to hope for self correction...fingers crossed please!

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