
Thursday, February 6, 2014

Cavities and snow days.

Today was Xander and Lily's follow up Dentist appointment. Xander had his one plaque cavity filled, Lily had one filled too...but she has one more so she will be back next month to do the other one. Haddie came too, for moral sweet LOL.

Xan went first, he did amazing...not a single tear or melt down the whole time.

He looked so funny, I am thankful that this Dental office of charge by the way...the gas, it really helped. The TV on the ceiling on a kid show, also a plus :)

Little stud muffin...he makes this look good! He was ready to rock n roll.
It was really interesting getting to see what goes on from the other side of the chair. I didn't love them sticking a needle in his gums like 10 times...but I was very thankful that he didn't feel a thing.
He did such a great job, about an hour later he was good as new.
Lily Bugs turn...peace little homie!
Lily did great too, though she has a lot of loose teeth so she had some squirmy moments where she was having some pain from the things they put in the mouth to help them keep it open. They did such a great job, I love it when they impress me...I really love it when they impress others.
We got home, had some lunch, then a little snow storm hit and we headed outside to play. Oh my goodness it was like 20 degrees today, so we didn't stay out too long. Even bundled up in 2 pairs of pants, 2 shirts and coats, hats and gloves on each of us was not enough.
Lots of snow Angels were made today LOL.
A few neighbor kids also came down into the culdesac to play.
Lots of snowballs were flying around.
I was freezing...even with 2 pairs of pants on and a huge warm coat, over a big hoodie. I won't lie I took a bunch of pictures...jumped in a few and then left the crazies and went inside to whip up some hot cocoa.
My "baby" he is getting so big...slow down, or I'm going to catch the fever ;)
Yup...I'm about ready to be done with all this cold white stuff. I am such a wuss LOL.
Jason got Xander good...poor kid Hehehe.
Run Hayden...ruuunnnn!
I don't know who had more fun, the kids or Jason LOL.
We had to bribe the kids with hot chocolate and marshmallows to get them inside...and even then they weren't exactly happy about it.
The snow didn't let up until after dark...and we are due for more over the next few days, things could get interesting :)

1 comment:

  1. You've gotta love a dentist that can do a terrific job with your kids' teeth while also keeping them comfortable throughout the process. And I’m glad that you found one for your kids. Now you are assured that they will have a great time on every appointment they have. Have a great day!

    Joel Haynes @ Herrin Pediatric Dentistry
