
Wednesday, February 5, 2014

PreK for the little man.

Good gracious preschool is expensive. We were so lucky that in our old town "typical" developing kids could get spots in the Head Start peer program, and it was not only a nice preschool but it was also super affordable, which is a must when you have 3 kids needing preschool. When we moved we were sad to leave the triplets school, but they had gone for 2 years and weren't going to be able to continue anyway since they "age out" of Head Start at 5. I started looking for a preschool near the new house but had no luck finding anything affordable enough for 3 kids, so we have just spent this year doing our own thing...lots of Kindy activity books, arts, crafts and just being kids. Xander, Hayden and Lily will be off to Kindergarten this fall...OH MY GOSH someone hold me. It is only 3 hours a day 5 days a week...which is nice, kind of ease us all into big kid school LOL. 
We were hoping to find an affordable preschool for Jericho, but were not having any luck at all. The Head Start out here doesn't allow "peer" kids unless they are dirt poor, apparently we are not quite poor enough *eye roll*. I had called about half a dozen private preschools but they were all too expensive for us to be able to swing it.
We had pretty much given up on Jericho getting to go to preschool sadly, then yesterday I called the high school that we live right next to. We have been having a number of high school kids coming to the green space behind our house to smoke weed...with their fancy glass pipes, then they douse themselves in cologne put their backpacks on and head back to the school. Yeah I am so that mean mother that I called the high school to see what we can do to put an end to this. I was instructed to please call the police, but I also learned of a preK that the school runs. Sweet, drop a dime and solve your preschool problem in one phone call LOL.
We took a short tour of the school today, I wish we had known about this for the trio...though I don't think we could have afforded 3 anyway. It is $50 a week, he will go 3 hours a day 4 days a week. They only have 15 kids in the 3 year olds class...and each one has their own high school student buddy for the 3 hours they are there every day. The students go through a complete back ground the weed smokers are probably not the ones helping to teach the kids LOL. The head preschool teacher, who has been there for 20 years now, spent a half hour with us giving me the run down and meeting Jericho. I love the program, I can not wait for him to start. The one on one learning has worked so great for her, the high school student buddies love the kids and the kids usually leave her preK at close to a 1st grade level. I love both the schools the kids will be going too...even if I have to have another meeting with the trio's principle, I am not ready to give up the fight on them staying in the same class just yet. I also love that all my kids will be going to a school that is a 5 min walk from our house, so nice!

Everyone loved the classrooms, I only took pictures in one of the 2 attached rooms...but they have a nice big space, filled with a ton of fun teaching items. The triplets loved it so much in fact that 2 of them decided to have a mini melt down because they want to go here instead of kindergarten LOL.

So much to play with!

Every child has a cubby, and they have this great...and huge rug for story time.

They have doll houses, dolls, all the kitchen stuff. The girls had fun setting up a dinner table, looks pretty nice actually LOL.

The boys found some great toys.

And then they found the karaoke machine...good thing they couldn't figure out how to turn it on Hehehe.

Little man is going to really love it here...I can not wait!
We had a little selfie fun when we got home Hahaha. Kiss Kiss!

My sweet triplets. I can't believe we are about to embark on kindergarten...why does time fly so fast?!

Silly group shot.

I love this crazy wild bunch of fortunate am I?!

My little loves!!!!

The kids tried to play out side today, it was only in the upper 20's they didn't last long. Brrr. I made up another batch of that yummy crock pot hot cocoa, man that stuff is scrumptious! Recipe here if you want to try it. It is so not Skinny 440 calories and 23 grams of fat for ONE cup. Good thing I don't make this often LOL.

When everyone came inside they decide to play train. This is why our folding table and chairs end up out for a good week after the party we used them for is over. They are too fun to put away Hehehe.
Off to the Crystal Empire, you fellow MLP fans know where that is ;)
Jason and Jericho ran to the store for a few things so we could make that "Skinny" homemade Lavash flatbread pizza good. I think Jericho had fun...little cutie!

Man I love this pizza!
Lily and Hayden got artistic with their pizza's again. If you look close you may see Lily has some grass, an apple tree with apples, a sky with a red bird flying. Haddie did a face. I love the creativity.
Mine, all mine!

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