
Sunday, February 2, 2014

We are the champions!*

It never fails, any party we host...we are up late the night before and still have a ton to do the next morning too. Getting everything ready for our Super Bowl party today was no different. Added degree of difficulty, this morning was the triplets 1st soccer class. Ugh, who schedules soccer on Super Bowl Sunday?!!? LOL. Bonus extra degree of difficulty, Jason worked grave last night, and works grave again tonight...but will only get about 2 hours of sleep today. Poor guy.

Soccer went pretty good. Haddie did great, she could have a future in soccer...or any sport really. She is very athletic, she just doesn't like to we will have to work on her with that. 2 minutes into class, after never meeting the kids before, the coach looks out on the field, sees Hayden dribbling the soccer ball across the field and said "she's your go getter isn't she" Yup, she sure is! Lily did better than we thought she would, she is not really all that into sports but we keep trying LOL. Xander was OK...hopefully he will do better as the 6 weeks go, or maybe soccer just isn't his sport, we will have to keep an eye on him. He wanted to chase down and push the other players and pick up the ball to protect it LOL. He may need to try football :)

Jericho was a pain of course...but he did enjoy watching the big kids play for a while.

Go Lily Bug!

Jericho had to burn off some energy, laps on the outside of the soccer field work well.

He loved watching the trio play...though he was a bit of a distraction for them.

Hayden was pretty good at dribbling the ball down the field.

Then the kids got to play a little scrimmage. Yellow jersey's against non jersey's. Xander got to be on the yellow team first.

Then Hayden and Lily got a turn.

Go get em!

An hour and a half is a pretty long class...Haddie gave us lots of thumbs up. Lily got a little whiny that she was ready to be done. Xander got really whiny...then just started laying down in the middle of the field. Good grief.
And Super Bowl extravaganza. OK, so it wasn't all that, but it turned out pretty least long enough for a photo LOL. How about those Seahawks!!! That was a slaughter, they wanted it bad. I am happy the Seahawks won...but I love Peyton Manning. He is my fave QB and has been since I started really watching football about 10 years ago. He is a class act...and I love his commercials LOL. I hope he doesn't retire.
I got my beautiful dessert finished...banana split pie, always a hit. I dyed the frosting green, added white frosting lines out of the squeeze bottle, and placed the awesome edible Seahawk head in the middle (I bought that from an Etsy seller LOL). So glad I took this picture, somehow the foil I covered it with came into contact with the Seahawk head and ruined it. I totally made everyone look at this photo before I brought out the dessert LOL.

Jason got busy on a stadium for the crackers, chips and dip. He really loathes loves that I found Pinterest, I assure you :)

I got the bonus room all ready to keep 7 kids occupied. We got 3 of those Mash Up action figures for the boys think that would keep them busy for a long time, and we were totally right. The girls got some Pony's and coloring stuff...which the boys also shared. Kianna and her fam showed up with some awesome food...and toys and puzzles for all the kids too, great minds think alike :)

We left finding the kids new Seahawk wear until the last second...and then couldn't find any. So Jericho got to squeeze into Xander's old jersey. Hayden and Lily got to swim in a couple of my team shirts LOL. Silly kids. By the 2nd half the Bronco's fans in my house were offering them money to take off the obviously lucky shirts. My kids didn't fall for any of that nonsense Hehehe.

Mmm getting some of the food set out. I followed a little tip I saw on Pinterest to make box brownies taste like bakery brownies...I think they came out fantastic. The tips were to add an extra egg, and use the same amount of melted butter instead of oil. Also to use brewed coffee instead of the water called for...but we didn't have any coffee. The Skittles were a fave for the kids. Jason said if he was at someone else's house he would have made it rain Skittles when Lynch got his TD, I am so glad he refrained Hahaha. Those ugly blue and orange, yet yummy, cake balls were not made in this house ;)

The mini meatballs and "skinny" chicken taco chili bar were a hit.

The dip stadium...looks nice but was pretty much a failure. My pepperoni goals wouldn't stand and we had no time to fix I got a picture and not long after down they went.

The 3 "Skinny" dips turned out pretty good.

Creamy parmesan spinach dip
10 oz frozen chopped spinach, thawed and excess liquid squeezed out
1/2 cup light sour cream
5 tbsp light mayonnaise
1/3 cup Parmigiano Reggiano
1/4 cup scallion, chopped
fresh pepper to taste

Combine all the ingredients in a medium bowl. Can be made one day in advance and stored in the refrigerator.
Remove from refrigerator 30 minutes before serving. Makes about 2 cups.
1/4 cup is 79 calories and 6 grams of fat.

3 medium hass avocados, halved
1 lime, juiced
1/3 cup red onion, minced
1 small clove garlic, mashed
1 tbsp chopped cilantro
kosher salt and fresh pepper, to taste

Place the pulp from the avocados in a medium bowl and slightly mash with a fork or a potato masher leaving some large chunks. Add lime juice, salt, pepper, cilantro, red onion, garlic and mix thoroughly. If you are serving this at a later time, a great tip to keep the guacamole from turning brown is by placing the pit in the bowl with the guacamole and cover. Makes 2 cups.
1/4 cup is 112 cals and 10 grams of fat.

1 cup skim milk
3 tbsp cornstarch
1 tsp canola oil
1 cup minced onion
3 garlic cloves, minced
1 poblano pepper, diced
1-2 jalapeƱos, seeded and diced
1/2 cup low sodium chicken broth
10 oz can Rotel tomatoes with chiles, diced and drained
1/4 cup fresh cilantro, chopped
juice of 1 lime
salt and black pepper, to taste
1/2 tsp ground cumin
1 tsp ancho chili powder
1 3/4 cups shredded reduced fat sharp Cheddar

In a small bowl, whisk together 1/4 cup of the milk with 3 tbsp of cornstarch to create a slurry; set aside.
Heat a large saucepan on medium heat; when hot add oil. Add the onions, garlic, poblano, and jalapeno and cook until soft, about 5-7 minutes. Season with salt, to taste. Add the chicken broth and the rest of the milk. Bring to a boil and cook for about 3 minutes to reduce slightly. Add the slurry (cornstarch mixture) to the pan and stir; simmer a minute until it bubbles and thickens, then reduce heat to low. Add the drained tomatoes, cilantro, lime juice, chili powder, cumin, salt, and pepper. Remove from heat and add the cheese; stir until it melts completely. Serve immediately. Makes 2 3/4 cups.
1/4 cup is 92 1/2 calories and 4 1/2 grams of fat.

The appetizer yummy's that we premade last night cooked up beautifully. Mmm Mmm good!

The kiddos had a great time playing together.

Our house was almost an even split...though if you counted the kids the Seahawks came out ahead. Oh my dear Bronco loving friends, it wasn't looking good for you from the first snap. It is OK, you can't win them all ;)

The little people spent a lot of time out side playing, thankfully the weather cooperated. We are going to have some very tired kids come bed time...this has been a long, energy burning, day of excitement.

The kids have been waiting for this part for two days LOL They got so much sugar today, thank goodness we keep junk and crap in check most of the time...makes me feel less upset when they have a day like today.

I got a funny short video...who needs a cat, when you have silly kids that love chasing a red dot...while the lazy cat watches LOL.

The girls loved baby Laila...we have been told they want a baby sister LOL.

I think Laila loved them too :)

Being silly!

We did it...Go Hawks!!

Poor Jason, go take your 2 hour nap before look beat up.

Such a fun night...would have still been fun had the other team won, but they didn't Ahahahah!! Champs Baby!!!

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