
Friday, February 14, 2014

My Loves, they keep my heart full!

We got to spend today with family, Grandma and Great Aunt Julie came for the afternoon. The kids got a little spoiled, we had a tasty lunch and some yummy treats. Hallmark holiday or not, my day was filled with a little extra sweetness and love...I dig it :)

The kiddos wanted to make Valentine's for Grandma and Julie.
Xander, the minimalist LOL.

Haddie did this all by herself, from idea to execution,  she is really getting good with her own little craft ideas.

Grandma and Julie arrived with a bunch of fun stuff for the munchkins. My little turds met them at the door and asked what they brought for them. This is not the norm, usually they have better manners and let Grandma walk in the house before asking for things LOL....but really the trio look forward to candy necklaces or bracelets from her every year. Grandma you have a tradition going now...hope you have a steady supply of edible jewelry LOL.

Reading their cards, and going through the loot.

Smooches for my littlest love.

How can you not just want to eat him up....Wub this little boy.

Julie brought the kiddos a bunch of fun stuff too...craft stuff, puzzles...even some heart jewelry. Such lucky, and very loved, kids. I didn't grow up like this at all, my heart is so happy that Jason did and with the help of his wonderful family can pass this on to our children.

Jericho and Xander had fun with the necklaces and hair clips too.

Nice look Xan :)

Jason had to work this afternoon, so I tried to get some pictures with my hubby before he headed out. Damn we are getting old LOL.

When the kids and I had the house to ourselves the trio got another photography lesson...they love it.

I always have to come up with ideas, since 3 kids want a turn to take pictures. I decided to let Xander shoot a recreated moment...this is me and the girls when they were itty bitty. Lily had just come home from the NICU on this day, so they were 33 days old...and about 5 lbs.
They switched spots on me, but wow....what a difference 5 1/2 years, and almost 45 lbs, makes.

Then Haddie took over the camera, and Xander actually asked me to was the sweetest thing ever.

Thanks for the dance son...I love you!

Then Lily Bug took over. She got all fancy with it and got down on her knee to shoot us. So I had to too LOL. Work it Bug!

My heart grew so much bigger the day they were born, and has been growing steady ever since.

Man they crack me up!

Little brother, a handful for sure...but such a special soul.

Today was a fun day, and another chance to shower my Loves with love. I'll take it!

Good stuff
Final surprise of the day...Jason sent me these yummy treats, though I knew they were coming because my kids can't keep a secret LOL.

My note said some gooshy stuff...and told me to share. Bummer LOL. That Macadamia cookie is MINE.

These cake pops were so cute. There were only 3, but some how there was no fighting over them...and I even got a couple bites of one ;)

Yum...I love these! Unfortunately, so do the kids LOL. 
Thanks Babe...I love you so much!
 This Happy, Crazy, Fun, Loud and Loving family of ours started off with you and me...and I am so glad the roads we have traveled led us here. Happy Valentine's Day Love!

One of the laughs of the day, the kids came to me and said "We have a new name...we are the Property Kids, we can fix up any house!" For those that don't know, we seem to have another fave show around here, the HGTV gem 'The Property Brothers' LOL. Hey at least it isn't a cartoon ;)


  1. You are so freakishly pretty, Katrina. Your skin looks amazing <3

  2. You are too kind.

    I *may* have a few more wrinkles in person.

    Photoshop....making objects appear better than they actually are for the 30 and over crowd LOL :)
