
Saturday, February 15, 2014

Flying trucks and flying Bulls.

The boys had a fun day planned today. Jason took Xan and Jericho to their very first monster truck rally...they even took the MAX train most of the way.
The girls just stayed home and enjoyed some pain in the ass boy free peace and quiet time LOL.

Off on their adventure, Jason was instructed to send me some pics of course.

Hayden and Lily Bug did a little painting....but for the most part we just enjoyed having the house to ourselves for a few hours.

I got a few updates and photos throughout the afternoon...all the training is starting to pay off :)

Jericho was totally into it, like mesmerized. Xander on the other hand did not appreciate the noise, but had a little more fun when Jason bought a pair of ear plugs....for FOUR DOLLARS, what a rip off LOL.

So fun...Jericho even wore his monster truck shirt.

I guess riding the MAX was almost as big a hit...go figure.
The boys were so excited to tell us all about it when they got home.
Jason looked wore out LOL.
After dinner and getting the kids to bed, for our babysitters comfort LOL, Jason and I went out to a local pub for a friends birthday party.

We don't get out all that often...and don't drink all that often either. I started out with a couple oldie but goodie Jagermeister and Redbulls, this tired Momma needed some wings if I was going to make it long enough to close down the bar LOL. Ugh I think I am going to be paying for tonight tomorrow.
This bar always brings back so many pool league memories, I can not wait until we are able to get back on a team. Jason and I are a bit rusty but held our own all night!
The birthday girl...such a fun night, thanks for inviting us! XOXOX

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