
Sunday, February 16, 2014

I'm too old for this.

Why yes, staying out until 2 am the night before your kids 9 am soccer class, with a play date at Safari Sam's directly following is a fabulous idea. Ugh. I'm too old for this shit LOL.

Do I look as hung over as I feel? Hahaha.
We made it to class on time, woohoo go us. The trio did better today than they did at their first class. Xander still gave up and sat on the field for the last 25 minutes or so...but an hour and a half long class is pretty long for my little newbies. I don't think soccer is going to be Xan's thing, he says he doesn't want to play it anymore. We told him he has to finish out this session, but if he doesn't want to sign up with the girls for the next one he doesn't have to.

Lily stuck in there much better today, though my little Princess does not venture into the fray during their little scrimmages LOL.

Haddie did great, and is still loving soccer.

The scrimmages were a bit more fun to watch today, Hayden even tried a little more to get in the mix.

Though she had a hard time remembering which goal was hers LOL. Can't wait to see the progress as the classes continue.

Safari Sam's was pretty fun. Uncle Scott, Auntie Amber and Cousin Hailee met us there. We had never been before, it was cool. The kids spent a good 2 1/2 hours running around there like crazed fools, add that to the hour and a half of running at soccer, oh yeah we are going to have some tired kids tonight! I was not up to taking pictures today LOL, so I only managed to snap a few.

Two shotgun's, really dude? Look out it's Dirty Xander Hahaha!

He really would have loved to play the video games instead of running and jumping...good thing we didn't have any coinage.

Fun energy burning stuff! I'm glad they are going to be ready for bed early...because I am too...ugh.

We ran into one of the boys from their soccer class there too. I think Hayden may have a crush :)

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