
Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Puppy chow and a movie night!

Quiet chill day at home today...we needed it.

I did spend almost 2 hours cleaning out my closet. Now maybe I will be forced to go buy some clothes that fit. Thank you 30 lbs for taking your leave, but I am really tired of wearing jeans that are too big and make me look like I have saggy butt. 

I have to admit I think I went through a big cargo phase. I mean seriously, unless you work in Africa for a safari service one should not own this much cargo.

I hold my fashionista sister partly to blame, how you gonna let me dress like this for the last 5 years?!

Later the kiddos helped me make our first batch of Puppy Chow to have with our movie tonight.

Everyone took turns adding ingredients.

And then everyone got paid for doing such a great job. Who won't work for chocolate. Mmm chocolate chips

Jason and I can't sneak extra of anything anymore...all we hear is "Mother/Father stop sampling" and "Hey! No sampling" LOL.

Jason was trying to pay me back for all the "annoying" photos I take of him cooking.

I gave him the job of mixing it all up.

Then the kids got to help shake everything in a big bag. Of course the Cat In The Hat song was sung 100 times...."Shake shake shake Shaking, what you make make make making" LOL.

Thanks Xan...for the photo op, now get back to work.

The girls took a break from cooking to dress up. Lily said she was a "little debil" I'm pretty sure devil is the word she was looking for...and Haddie said she was a witch, I guess any hat will do LOL.
I just love the imagination!

A little funny from the girls today... Hayden and Lily: "Mom babies are a lot of hard work. Yeah really hard."   HA! They have had their Baby Alive dolls since Christmas, talk to me in 5 1/2 years.

Dinner tonight was homemade pizza again...we just love this "Skinny" meal.
You can find the recipe here.
Lily made a palm tree next to a house made of cheese, Haddie did a face. Nice work girls!

The, the boys made pizza LOL. Looks tasty :)

After dinner it was time for our S'mores Puppy Chow and Monsters University! NOT Skinny LOL.

The movie was cute, and the treat was yummy. If you want to make it you will need....

6 cups of Golden Grahams
1 cup semi sweet chocolate chips
1/2 cup creamy peanut butter
1 tsp vanilla extract
2 cups mini marshmallows
1 cup powdered sugar
1/2 cup cocoa powder

Put the cereal in a large bowl and set aside.

Put powdered sugar and cocoa in a gallon zip lock bag.

In a large saucepan, melt the chocolate chips and peanut butter on low heat. Constantly stir to avoid the chocolate from burning. Once completely melted, add in 3/4 cup marshmallows. Stir them into the chocolate/peanut butter mixture until they begin to slightly melt (the semi-melted marshmallow gives you the big chunks in the puppy chow!). Once marshmallows begin to slightly melt, remove pan from heat and add vanilla.

Pour over cereal and fold until covered. Add the remaining marshmallows.

Dump into zip lock bag of powder sugar mix and shake until least a minute. Allow to cool, we let ours cool for a couple hours, and enjoy!

Movie time!

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