
Thursday, March 20, 2014

Fun with Grandma.

What is up with the UPS guy not knocking or ringing the bell...I don't get many packages, so when I do you can bet they are damn important LOL, I need to know when they arrive. Good thing Grandma came by today to visit and have dinner, she alerted me to my delivery!!!

Grace Adele, a Scentsy sister company, was having a pretty big sale and I have needed a new bag/purse for some time now. I won't even admit how long it has been since I bought a girl card would be revoked, seriously LOL. I pulled the trigger on this beauty...the 'Bella' bag is leather and just my style, and thanks to the sale price I only paid $60 for a $200 bag, go me!

Look at all that space!!! Love it LOL!

The kids are always so excited to see their Grandma...and not just to get their stuff fixed LOL.
Another sewing lesson with Grandma. I think it is so funny how much stuff the munchkins come flocking to Grandma with for her to fix for them, every time they see her. Good thing Grandma doesn't seem to mind, because they really count on her...every time something gets ripped or busted open the first thing we hear is "it's OK, Grandma can fix it" we don't have tears over broken stuff anymore Hahaha.

I didn't have extended family around when I was growing up, it is so wonderful to have all these people around my kids. It just opens up their world that much more, they get to learn and enjoy things that their Dad and I may not be able to offer them. The kiddos love learning about sewing and name but a couple, from their Grandma.

My oldest son is all of a sudden a big hat fan, just like his Dad. He asked me if I liked his hat, if it made him handsome LOL. Always buddy!

Lily Bug got a turn to sew her "doll daughter"...Jericho gets an assist mention for holding the leg out of the way.

Grandma had more fun planned...she brought some dinosaur coloring pages and markers for the boys. She also brought a cool paper doll set for the girls.

A lot of cutting to get everything out, but these are really neat!

The girls were immediate fans.

I have to share a sassy Hayden story. She was doing some counting of the outfits and she skipped 14, so I NICELY corrected her. The little turd looked at me and said "You better back off my business" WHAT?!?! There won't be any photos of Hayden in the near future...she will be in her room for a week LOL. Is she 5 or 15? This does not bode well for the coming years...she is going to be one hurting little girl LOL.

So many outfits...this is going to be days and days of fun!

We made the yummy Lavash flatbread Skinny pizza for dinner tonight, it was of course still a hit with us...but Grandma loved it too! 

Hahaha I had to take a picture of Lily...her milk mustache went Fu Manchu style LOL.

Do you like Pina Colada's? Yes, I am totally singing the song LOL.

Dessert was a new one for us...and everyone who likes coconut will love this! Skinny Pina Colada cupcakes. So good!!

18.25 oz box yellow cake mix
20 oz can crushed pineapple in juice (do not drain)
8 oz Philadelphia 1/3 less fat cream cheese, room temp
20 oz can crushed pineapple in pineapple juice, completely drained of any liquid
1 cup sweetened coconut flakes
1/4 cup sugar
**I tweaked it a little...I added 1 egg, 1 egg white and 2 Tbsp of coconut oil to the cake mix. This is optional.

Preheat the oven to what the cake mix box directs.

Mix the cake mix with 1 can, not drained, of crushed pineapple in a large bowl. If you are adding my tweak, add that.
Mix on medium speed with electric mixer.

Pour into lined cupcake tins about 2/3 full. Bake in accordance with cake mix directions or until a toothpick inserted comes out clean. Set aside to cool. another large bowl combine cream cheese, other can of crushed pineapple (drained VERY well,) sugar and coconut.

Mix with a hand mixer until combined. Cover and put in the fridge until the cupcakes are completely cooled.

I only frosted as many as I needed at a time, and kept the left over cupcakes in a gallon bag in the fridge, and the left over frosting in the bowl covered.

1 cupcake is 154 calories and 4 grams of fat....if you do my tweak they are 183 calories and 6 grams of fat each. Next time I will make them without my tweak and see if it really helped make the cake part more moist and fluffy.

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