
Sunday, March 16, 2014

Another DIY project win!

I know this is going to sound silly, but this morning Hayden and Lily got to go on their first outting...without a family member. It was hard for me LOL. The neighbor lady asked if Jason would put the girls seats in her car so she could take them to a local nursery to pick up some flowers and stuff. Just a little back ground, this lady has known other members of my family for many many years, she took my niece Hailee for running around or to do fun things she isn't really just any old neighbor. Jason OK'd it, but told her I would probably say no. I am pretty sure in their 5 1/2 years only 3 people have driven my kids around...Jason, me and Grandma. I really don't like people driving my kids around, just freaks me out. But with school coming and the trio insisting on taking the bus (even though the school is a 10 min max walk from our house LOL) I figured I better start getting a little more used to it, so I shocked everyone...including myself, and said yes. Xander was really upset about not getting to go, poor guy gets axed out of everything, but Katie promised to take him somewhere next time.

She gets points for texting me pics, totally without me asking her to :)
The girls had a great time.
Kissing these little dog statues started up talks of wanting a little dog. I have only had 1 little dog in my little Chihuahua Reese's, she was fun but I never really thought we would get another little dog after she passed away. Gangster is still really lonely when we leave the house, he has started some bad habits of getting into stuff or chewing things when we are gone. I wonder if a little dog friend would help him. I am still really enjoying having just one dog, so I don't think we will be getting another one any time soon...but I would consider it.

The weather has been pretty nice...the trio even got to try out their new scooters. They have been waiting and waiting to pull these things out since Grandma gave them the scooters for Christmas. Thankfully we have had no serious crashes, yet LOL.

Already doing tricks, or course.

We need to find Jericho a 3 or 4 wheel one, but so far he seems happy enough to ride his tricycle and draw with chalk. When he is not chasing the triplets on their scooters that is.

Jason was nice enough to hang up my new sign...this one I bought, I'm sure you could tell LOL.

I love it!
OK now for the DIY project unveiling! The before pictures. What I used and how to info to accomplish this can be found here.

All done! It looks great, not I said in the other post I think a 3rd coat of paint would have made it perfect, but it is just fine for going in my master bathroom for storage.

What a difference! I am pretty darn happy with it. It was so easy too...could have easily been a one day project if I didn't get interrupted so many times LOL.

I really like how the colors came out too, loved the paint. I will be on the lookout for other projects LOL!

Now to get this sucker filled up!


  1. There isn't a single aqua thing I could pass up. I love that storage unit, it look perfect!

  2. Thanks! I really needed the storage. Jason officially hates Pinterest I think LOL.
