
Saturday, March 15, 2014

I love new family pictures!

A family friend is the owner of Velour Photography...we have done a few fun photos with her over the last 4 or 5 months, the girls attended her Princess party, the boys went to her Superhero party and we saw Santa with her this last year too. She had the wonderful idea of doing a 'puddle jumping' mini session...and said she would be happy to take some family pics at the same time. I have been so excited for today...she picked the one Saturday a month that Jason actually has off to do the sessions, the day ended up beautiful, I was able to get everyone coordinating outfits, and the umbrella's in the colors of the rainbow....this was destined to turn out amazing! Now to bide my time until I get to see the photos she took, ugh...the waiting is the hardest part :) She is sweet enough to not mind my amateur self taking a few shots along side her...when I am not in them that is LOL, so I don't have any family pics, or rainbow umbrella pics yet...but I did manage to take quite a few that will tide me over. Hopefully these will keep me from bothering Jamie too much with 50 "are they done yet"'s LOL.

We decided to go with everyone in white shirts and blue jeans this time...and the girls actually did the matchy matchy thing, they almost never wear matching outfits so once in a while none of us mind doing it. They did such a great job...we got a good half hour plus of cooperation, and cute smiles out of them. I hope the pro's photos turn out great, I can't wait to see them. I am pretty pleased with what I go too!

We started out doing some sibling pics out on this dock...ended up being an amazing spot.

We did some family pics out on the dock, and a few umbrella pics too. Once that was done I asked Jamie if she wanted me to put this cute little hat I found on Jericho, give him the red umbrella and try to get a few of just him. She was game! I am positive she got even better photos than I did...but dang I am in LOVE with these. I love it when an idea works out!

It got a little windy a time or two out on the dock...we almost had an umbrella, and maybe even a Jericho, in the drink a couple times LOL.

One of my absolute faves of the fricking cute is he?!?! I tried to do a little cropping and color correcting...but I honestly have no idea what I'm doing so I am sure it is not technically perfect, but it is perfect enough for this Momma! I did keep the originals, so if anyone has any tips on how to do a better job cropping or fixing the color I can try again. Ahem, cough, cough, Wendy :)

Remember you can click on a picture to open it up full size in a new get to see the image larger and in much more detail that way.

I just love how it all came together...the outfit, hat, red umbrella, dock, houseboats...what great shots, to me anyway :)

Jericho was giving us such great looks too. From a kid who almost always has huge cheesy smiles... having some happy faces, yet not smiling ear to ear showing off a mouth full of teeth, was a nice change.

Another one of my faves...I could gobble him up! Jason doesn't get what I love so much...other than he is a cute kid, WTH. Is art lost on my hubby, or am I nuts to be going gaga over these?

Don't look Wendy. I know I know, but I don't do this very often and just wanted to see what it would look like LOL.

I gotta have one of these on is just going to be so hard to choose which one. Which is your favorite? Please help me pick...I know Jason will be of no use to me Hahaha.

He really made this almost too easy...cutie patootie!

Next we moved to another area of the park, got some cute pics of the trio.

I love this one...wish Xander was looking, but it is still cute.

The trio loved their new rain boots, and were getting impatient to try them out. "Moooooommmm, you said we were going to be playing in puddles"...yeah, yeah, yeah...just a few more please LOL.

Wow...where did my little preemies go?

A look from behind the scenes. I really can't wait to see what Jamie got...but I am not excited to only pick a few of them either LOL.

Awww it!

OK, OK...let's get these boots wet. It is not exactly "puddle jumping" but it was fun for them nonetheless.

The boys took to it without a second of hesitation...and almost immediately got their new white shirts filthy, thank goodness we did these pictures last.

They had a blast...and probably spent another 20 minutes playing in the water.

How I love these kids...they make my heart so happy!

It didn't take long before the boys...and even Lily, learned rain boots are only water proof if you don't go in too deep. 3 kids drove home without pants on after all this LOL.

Miss cute thing you :)

Lots of rock throwing.
Then Xan wanted to take an umbrella into the water. This was the look I got when he almost fell on his face in the water.

Some great finds.

And a little rock skipping lesson.

I am the only one who escaped this photo shoot with a clean outfit...don't ask me how, but I am very glad!

Jason actually took this one...and I really love it. Of course he doesn't get why...maybe I am nuts, I don't know.

Haddie was much more careful about staying in the shallow parts.

Getting some water out of bugs boots.

What a fabulous day...great idea Jamie, thanks so much for thinking of it!

My feelings exactly Hayden!


  1. omfg hahahhahahahah!!! I am laughing so hard, I scared the cat. STOP SELECTIVE COLOR! IT LOOKS RIDICULOUS! :*) I'd be glad to walk you through some editing. I forget-- do you have my number? You can text me anytime, I'll even speak to you on the phone like a real live person and not just an internet weirdo :P

  2. LOL hand slapped...I got it :)
    Thanks for the offer Wendy, I'm going to take you up on it!
