
Friday, March 14, 2014

It's starting to look like spring!

We have a little family photo shoot tomorrow, and I have been driving around like crazy for the last 3 days trying to get us all coordinating outfits...nothing like waiting until the last minute right?! While we were out getting the last of what we needed today, the girls decided they wanted to pick a couple things out for their soon to arrive niece Lydia.

Lily Bug of course loved something she found with ladybugs on it, Hayden wanted to pick a dress...and after a little disagreement we settled on a cute one.

Xander wanted to get Lydia a less girly shirt was hard to tell him no.

Can't wait to see her in these...come on July!
I think spring has sprung!!! The flowers are blooming, and...much more important to Xan, Hayden, Lily and Jericho, the neighbor kids having started coming out to play. Last summer was a lot of fun for my crew, who have never had neighbor kids to play with...they have been looking forward to this all year. Our magnolia tree is starting to blossom! So pretty!

The trio got a little baseball practice in today with the neighbors...they all loved it, may have to try this out next. Xander and Hayden were getting 4 and 5 hits in a row pretty often...with slow pitches, no T needed! Lily even got 3 in a row once...not too shabby guys!

Hayden is a strange one...we are 99% sure she is a lefty, but she still does a lot of stuff as if she were a righty. She seems to have a better bating average from her right.

Poor Gangster was so upset to be stuck inside.

What a fun afternoon...and beautiful too. Hope the weather holds out for tomorrow!

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