
Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Teasing me, aren't you?

Oh spring...I know you can't possibly be here to stay, but the last couple days have sure been nice!

The kids got to play out in the back yard for a couple hours today. I can not wait until being out side like 8 hours a day is the norm! This is their last year before school starts taking up all our time, at least Kindy here is only 3 hours a the real interruption won't start until 1st grade. So hard to believe my babies are not babies anymore, and big changes are coming all too soon.

Bubble fun!

Lily sneezed as she was trying to blow bubbles and a couple came she kept at it, with fake sneezes. Silly girl.

Jericho of course dumped all of his bubble mix out, luckily he was happy to be the designated popper.

Little Man has been fighting a cold or something for the last couple of days...thankfully no pink eye yet, but I am not sure when we are out of the woods on that. Being sick and spending time out back playing wore the poor boy out...and OJ, well he is always down for a nap. They were too cute.
Dang I wish I had his lashes.

His sisters think he is extra lovable when he is asleep LOL.

Coming soon...another Pinterest DIY project, brought to you by our friends on Craigslist.

Both our bathrooms need more decoration, and storage, this baby is going to get a paint job and hopefully will fill both needs in my master bathroom.

Our bathroom is a gray color, the vanity is espresso...we want to do a little color with this piece, I think I am going to go with a robin's egg blueish color. Too bad I am going to spend more on the paint than I did on this thing, I love Craigslist...I know I have said it before, but I really do.

Xander cracks me up. He came out of the bathroom dripping wet and asked everyone how we like his hair. He "did a hair style" using water and brush...not bad actually. I may have a gel dude on my hands, oh boy LOL.

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