
Friday, March 7, 2014

Two Zoo trips in one week.

Court let out early today, and we don't go back for about 10 days, the rain took a break and the sun was shining...perfect day for another Zoo trip.

The kiddos love to play on these lions, we spent a good 15 minutes here while they were climbing all over them like a jungle gym.

I wonder if these are life size, they are sure big. A seat for 4.

The lion family was out today, the trio of cubs annoying their Dad and enjoying the weather. You can click on any photo to open it up bigger...this one is funny.

Such a beautiful little family :)

The petting zoo area was closed, but a few of the goats wanted to be petted anyway.

It was such a lovely day...summer is on her way, and I can't wait!

The Giraffe's were a fave today.

The African slender-snouted crocodile's were in a cool position today, to get a real good up close look. A little girl came up while we were standing there looking at them, she said "Cool!!" Xander looks at her and says "They are not cool, they are dangerous."

Jericho checking out some Flamingo's and ducks.

Tiger's were awake today. I tried Chuffing at them, and they actually perked up and looked my way each time I did it...pretty neat.

We were just here this last Saturday with my Sis and brother and fam's but the Zoo has been busy since then. The big bear know where I said I'd whoop a Sun Bear's ass LOL, is gone and they added some new stuff. I love that we have been coming to this zoo since the triplets were babies...we have so many great memories, and a TON of photos.

Polar Bear den.

My four little cubs checking it out.

Break for a snack, and to play on some more statues.

They have a couple ponds of course Jericho was all about playing in them.

A sleepy bear...the trio said he was hibernating LOL.

We had some worn out kiddos...time to head home.

Dinner was kind of funny tonight. Xander is still on this dead animal kick, he still is very concerned for the dear departed. During dinner this evening Xander asks if we are having a "dead animal", then asks what kind. When he learns it is pig ribs...raised by farmers to provide food for people, he refuses to eat it and told us someone should call the police so the farmer can go to jail. Then sits there saying how sad he is for the rest of the meal. Jericho was no help at all, when Xander asked if this pig was a wild pig, Jericho pipes up with "No, it's a dead pig" then took a big bite...adding in some Mmm's LOL. I may have a budding vegetarian on my hands....I for sure have a sensitive sweet soul. Wub that about him.

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