
Thursday, March 6, 2014

A long week in court.

It has been quiet on my blog, I have been in court 9-5 all this week...dang it is rough being up and out the door at 8:30am and not get home until 5:30...I have been beat this week, so out of practice LOL. This week reminded me so much of back when I was on that 8 week long jury duty assignment 2 years ago. I can't get into details about this case yet, but I was there to support my brother, sister in law and niece Hailee. We hope to have a resolution in the next couple of weeks, I will share when I am able.

Thankfully Jason was on graveyard shift and then a long 3 day weekend, so he was able to stay with the kiddos so I could go. The minions missed me, Jason and Jericho sent me some pictures of Jericho blowing me a I blew them one back LOL.
Court rooms are so much more comfortable when you are in a padded juror bony butt did not appreciate the hard bench.
Snuggles when I got home after another long part of my days this week for sure!

Hahaha Lily's front tooth is finally poking through, Jericho thinks it is funny.
We do have an exciting family photo shoot coming up...rain boots and umbrella's....can't wait!

AACKKK! So uh, just how contagious is pink eye? My niece just got diagnosed with it last night. She has been playing with my kids at my house 8 hours a day for the last 5 days straight. We have never had pink eye hit our house, what are the chances we escape it this time? Keep your fingers crossed that my munchkins peepers remain pink free.


  1. Eh. It's usually not that contagious for us. We have one daughter that is more prone to it than others, but usually when she gets it we start drops immediately and no one else has gotten it for a couple of years! I hope that you stay pinkeye free!

  2. Those umbrellas are going to be super cute. I feel bad for whoever has to deal with the color casts :P but the pictures will be adorable any way!
